Workshop to Integrate Subduction Factory and Seismogenic Zone Studies in Central America

June 18-22, 2007, La Condesa Hotel
Heredia, Costa Rica

Convened by: Eli Silver (UC Santa Cruz, USA), Terry Plank (Boston University, USA), Kaj Hoernle (Christian-Albrechts University of Kiel & IFM-GEOMAR, Germany), Marino Protti (Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica), Guillermo Alvarado (Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica), and Víctor González (Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica)


Presenter Title Format
Don Fischer Evolution of the Costa Rican Forearc ppt (63.7 MB)
Yoshiyuki Kaneda Advanced ocean floor observatory for mega-thrust earthquakes and tsunamis around the Nankai Trough, Southwestern Japan ppt (7.1 MB)
Jeff Marshall Upper plate faulting and uplift along the Nicoya Penninsula seismic gap, N. Costa Rica forearc ppt (44.3 MB)
Kirk McIntosh Stratigraphic and Structural investigations of Nicaraguan forearc and intra-arc tectonics ppt (31.3 MB)
Andrew Newman Near-Trench Interface Locking? Geodetic and Seismic Tools useful for identifying Developing Strain Energy to be Rleased in Future Large and Tsunamigenic Earthquakes ppt (9.7 MB)
Kurt Roggensack Volatile abundances in Central American Lavas: Using Experimentally Determined Solubility Relationships to Understand Natural Melt Inclusions ppt (16 MB)
Bill Rose Hazards of Volcanic Ash in Central America ppt (10.7 MB)
Demian Saffer Hydrologic processes from the trench to the seismogenic zone: Establishing links between fluid pressure, and low temperature metamorphism, fluid flow, and fault mechanics ppt (5.7 MB)
Peter Sak Relationship among rough crust subduction, forearc kinematics, and Quaternary uplift rates ppt (13.7 MB)
Susan Schwartz Strain release along the northern Costa Rica seismogenic zone ppt (7.9 MB)
Alison Shaw Volatile fluxes at arc volcanoes: comparing different techniques and evaluating mass balance ppt (11.8 MB)
Ales Spicak Internal tectonic structure of the Central American Wadati-Benioff Zone based on analysis of aftershock sequences ppt (5.6 MB)
Glen Spinelli Trench-parallel variations in subduction zone fluid pressure and fault strength resulting from temperature differences ppt (3.3 MB)
Robert Stern How Project IBM can help understand the Central America Subduction Factory ppt (10.6 MB)
Doug Wiens Seismogenic characteristics and seismic structure of the Mariana Arc System: Comparison with Central America ppt (12.7 MB)

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Last updated Monday, August 6, 2007