Purpose: Containing the thickest
and most extensive largest sedimentary bodies in the modern
oceans, the Indian Ocean submarine fans record not only the
development and erosion of high topography after India-Asia
collision, but also the subsequent changes in regional and
global climate. This workshop will develop a science plan
to study the fans in the context of the Integrated Ocean
Drilling Program. Drilling objectives for both riser and
non-riser drilling will be discussed, together with associated
geophysical surveys.
Participation: Scientists
working on tectonics, geomorphology, clastic sedimentology,
stratigraphy, paleoceanography and both regional and global
paleoclimate are encouraged to apply.
To Apply: Contact workshop
conveners Peter Clift (508-289-3437)
or Peter Molnar (303-492-4936)
by May 1, 2003 with the following information: Name, institution,
contact information, a short (2 page max) CV, and a brief
(half-page) statement of interest, including your potential
Limited JOI/USSSP support
is available to U.S. participants.
For additional information, visit the workshop
web site.