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SEIZE 2003 Theoretical Institute

NSF-MARGINS Theoretical Institute
on the Seismogenic Zone Experiment

Date: March 16-21, 2003
Location: Snowbird, Utah
Organizers: Tim Dixon, Eli Silver, Kevin Brown, Kevin Furlong, Seth Stein, and Casey Moore
Applications: before December 13th, 2002

Processes occurring on the shallow seismogenic interface between subducting and over-riding plates are responsible for generating the world’s largest earthquakes and tsunamis, and are the focus of significant efforts in the fields of seismology, geodesy, tectonics, and natural hazards. These processes are the focus of the SEIZE (SEIsmogenic Zone Experiment) initiative of NSF’s MARGINS program.

A five-day workshop will be held in Snowbird, Utah to review our current understanding, and plan for further studies of the Seismogenic Zone. Central America and the Nankai Trough, Japan, are two focus areas for SEIZE (the Science Plan is available on the SEIZE web pages at the MARGINS web site). While the meeting will provide current information and syntheses about the characteristics of Central America, the Nankai Trough and other subduction zones as they relate to themes in the SEIZE science plan, a major emphasis will be to address more general and theoretical topics related to the subduction zone and the earthquake process, to synthesize outstanding problems, and to plan future experiments and collaborations. The theoretical institute format will be via a series of keynote presentations and impromptu talks and selected thematic poster sessions.

Participants will be chosen from applicants to this announcement. Selected applicants will be provided with full or partial funding of their costs for air travel, accommodation and meals. We encourage applications from all those interested in participating in this scientific endeavor, including those from outside the USA, Central America and Japan, and especially encourage applications from assistant professors, post-docs, and graduate students. Applicants should prepare a brief (no more than two pages) resume (CV), and a brief (half-page) statement of why they are interested in participating in the meeting and what they will contribute to it. Detailed instructions are included on the web application form.

Applications should be submitted via this link discontinued (the application form will open in a new window) also, available at the meeting web site.

Applications close on 13 December, 2002 with participant selection by 6 January, 2003.

Inquiries should be directed to the conveners (e-mail links above).

Last updated Tuesday, January 18, 2005