MARGINS Paper Mailing List Application Form

To join the MARGINS Mailing List, and receive e-mail updates about MARGINS-related news and events, and the option to get the printed bi-annual newsletter, and other special publications, please fill in the form below. When you have entered everything you want to, click on the "Submit" button at the bottom. You will receive an e-mail of confirmation when your name has become part of the database.

If you need to update your contact information, please use Mailing List Update Form instead.
If you want to join the listserv only, please use the listserv Form instead.
Send any questions you have regarding the mailing list or the newsletter to MARGINS Office.

*First Name:
*Last Name:
*Street Address:
*Postal Code:
Your WWW Home Page URL:
Your Department's WWW Home Page URL:
Your primary interest in MARGINS:
Please note that selecting any alternative above does NOT exclude you from any information about MARGINS - it's exclusively for our records. If "Combination" is selected above, please specify below:

MARGINS publishes a semi-annual Newsletter that will be mailed to your contact address, and is also downloadable from the MARGINS website.

Select to submit your request.


Select to erase everything in the form.

Natures Pharmacy

MARGINS is an NSF funded program

The MARGINS Office is Hosted by Columbia University

Last updated Friday, December 12, 2008