for creating an effective PowerPoint presentation:
These are some general pointers, gathered from
various sources, to keep in mind when making a PowerPoint presentation.
- Think carefully about what you have liked
and disliked in all the presentations you have listened to.
attention, and what was really awful?
- Plan carefully and start preparing in good
- Know your audience.
- Time your presentation.
- Practice your presentation.
- Speak comfortably and clearly.
- Emphasize content, not form (particularly
important when using PowerPoint!).
Effective PowerPoint Slides
- Use design templates.
- Standardize position, colors and styles.
- Include only necessary information.
- Limit the information to essentials.
- Content should be self-evident.
- Use colors that contrast.*
- Be consistent and
cautious with effects, transitions and animations;
it is easy to overuse flashy effects.
- Too complex slides will confuse and distract.
- Tables with more than 4 rows x 4 columns cannot
be read by the audience while they listen to you. If your
table is bigger, consider using a diagram instead.
- Too many slides can lose your audience, and
your message will be lost.
Text guidelines
- Avoid long sentences, or people will read the
text, not listen to you.
- Generally no more than 7 words a line.
- Generally no more than 6 lines a slide.
- Font size should generally range from 18 to
48 point.
- Be sure text contrasts with background.*
- Fancy fonts can be hard to read.
- Unusual fonts may display unexpectedly if the
presentation is not run on your own computer. Stick to standards,
however boring that may be.
- Words in all capital letters are hard to read.
- Avoid abbreviations and acronyms.
Clip Art and Graphics
- Should balance the slide.
- Should enhance and complement the text, not
- No more than two graphics per slide.
* A classic no-no is red text on blue background,
which the human eye is ill equipped to distinguish (it will give
everyone a headache, too):
this, if you can! |
this, if you can! |
this, if you can! |
this, if you can! |