Shear-wave Splitting Tomography: Resolving Anisotropy in the Central American Mantle Wedge [pdf, 3.1MB]
Mark Behn
Lower Crustal Foundering as a Mechanism for 3-D Flow in the Mantle Wedge and Trench Parallel Seismic Anisotropy [pdf, 5.2MB]
Donna Blackman
Regional Aspects of Mantle Flow, Strain-Induced Mineral Alignment, and Seismic Anisotropy Models [pdf, 2.0MB]
Amandine-Marie Cagnioncle
Fluids in the wedge: potential effects of serpentinization on rheology, transport mechanisms [pdf, 3.2MB]
Colleen Dalton
Global Models of Attenuation in the Upper Mantle [pdf, 3.9MB]
Jim Gaherty
Do Shear Velocities of Oceanic Lithosphere
Reflect Temperature Variations at the Ridge? [pdf, 2.9MB]
Samantha Hansen
Shear-Wave Splitting beneath Saudi Arabia: Evidence for Plate and Density Driven Flow [pdf, 1.7MB]
Ben Holtzman
How does melt influence the seismic anisotropy of partially molten upper mantle? [pdf, 7.5MB]
Erik Kneller
Oliving Fabric Transitions and Trench-parallel Fast S-wave Polarization: Insights from High-resolution Subduction Zone Models [pdf, 5.6MB]
Maureen Long
Shear wave splitting, anisotropy, and mantle deformation beneath SW Japan [pdf, 8.3MB]
Sara Pozgay
Local S Splitting and Manlte Flow in the Mariana System [pdf, 2.3MB]
Martin Reyners
Imaging subduction, magmatism and continental rifting
in the central North Island, New Zealand [pdf, 997 KB]
Phil Skemer
Olivine Fabric Transitions: Microstructural Constraints on
Subduction Wedge Deformation and Seismic Anisotropy [pdf, 192KB]
Phil Wannamaker
Upper Mantle Magmatic Diapirs,
Lower Crustal Underplating, and
Lithospheric Dismemberment of the
Great Basin Colorado Plateau Transitions, Utah, from MT [pdf, 1.8MB]
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Friday, January 19, 2007
MARGINS is an NSF funded program
The MARGINS Office is Hosted by Columbia University