MARGINS Listserv Announcement


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Faculty Openings in Geophysics (10/12/10)

The Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences at MIT invites qualified candidates to apply for a tenure track junior faculty position in Solid-Earth Geophysics. We seek an outstanding scientist with interest in and potential for innovation and leadership in teaching and research. The search is in the broad area of Solid-Earth Geophysics. However, we are especially interested in individuals whose research connects to experimental geophysics, material properties, earthquake source processes, and/or energy and the environment. The Department encourages strong interaction with research programs covering the full spectrum of Earth and planetary sciences. More information about this position can be obtained by writing Professor Maria T. Zuber at <mtz at>. A completed application will include a curriculum vitae, a one page description of research plans, and the names of three potential references.
Applications are being accepted at Academic Jobs Online. (
Please do not ask your referees to upload letters at the time of application; letters will be requested directly by MIT.
To receive consideration, a completed application must be received.
Search Contact: Mr. Michael Richard,
HR Administrator,
EAPS, 54-926
Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
77 Massachusetts Avenue,
Cambridge, MA 02139
mjr at
617-253-5184 617-253-8298 (fax)
Oliver Jagoutz
Assistant Professor of Geology
54-1018 Dept. of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Ave. Cambridge,
MA 02139-4307 USA
Email: jagoutz at Phone: :
(+1) 617324-5514

Exploration Postdoctoral Fellowship Program

The School of Earth and Space Exploration (SESE) at Arizona State University invites applications for the Exploration Postdoctoral Fellowship Program (see SESE's core mission is to integrate science and engineering to provide a better understanding of our world and beyond. Research areas within SESE encompass astrophysics, cosmology, Earth science, climate science, planetary science, exploration systems engineering, and science education. The Exploration Fellowship Program aims to provide opportunities for conducting postdoctoral research on cutting-edge topics and to foster inter-disciplinary collaboration. Applications must include a brief research proposal that has been discussed with prospective faculty sponsors. Potential research topics span the full range of research interests of our faculty (, including key initiatives in the origin, evolution, and fate of the Universe, planetary bodies, and life; the co-evolution of Earth's surface environment and societies; and lifelong science and engineering education. We expect to make 2 awards this year with salary ($50k/yr) and full benefits. Standard awards are 2 year appointments, renewable for a 3rd year contingent on performance and availability of funding. Typically appointments will start between July 1 and September 1, 2011. Application materials (and any questions) should be submitted by email to exppd at<mailto:exppd at>, addressed to the Exploration Fellowship Program Committee. Complete applications are due by December 31, 2010. Letters of recommendation from 3 references must be submitted by January 5, 2011. Evaluation of applications begins January 1, 2011 and decisions will be announced in early February. The first step in the application process is to contact prospective faculty sponsor(s) to discuss potential research topics. When a topic of mutual interest is identified, the applicant prepares a 5-10 page research proposal outlining the problem and the research plan (including figures; references do not count against page limit; no budget is needed). Application packets include (1) a cover letter identifying (a) research topic, (b) prospective postdoctoral advisors, and (c) a list of 3 references with contact information, (2) CV, (3) 2-3 papers exemplary of the applicant's research, (4) letters of endorsement from the prospective postdoctoral advisors, and (5) the research proposal. Preference will be given to proposals that fuse research conducted through multiple focus areas within SESE and that will involve new collaborations among our faculty. Please request that your referees submit a letter of recommendation addressed to the Exploration Fellowship Program Committee by January 5, 2011. Letters of recommendation should be emailed to exppd at<mailto:exppd at> and may be submitted independently. ASU is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer that actively seeks diversity among applicants and promotes a diverse workforce.

Kelin X. Whipple,
Professor School of Earth and Space Exploration,
Room PSF 638
Arizona State University
P.O. Box 871404,
Tempe, AZ 85287-1404,
USA tel:480-965-9508,
fax: 480-965-8102

Goodbye from the Lamont MARGINS Office

Dear MARGINS Community,
At the beginning of month the MARGINS Program segues into GeoPRISMS, and after four years I step down as Chair of the MARGINS Steering Committee. It has been a very busy, productive term, seeing major synthesis activities, the Decadal Review, and also the successful writing of a Draft Science Plan for GeoPRISMS. All this would have not been possible without herculean efforts on behalf of the staff of the MARGINS Office, first at Boston University (Cary Kandel and Pamela Lezaeta) and then at Lamont after a rapid move (Niva Ranjeet, Andrew Goodwillie, Karen Benedetto and Kristen Woodford). It has been a pleasure to work with them, and I am tremendously appreciative of their efforts. Also, the success of the program, its scientific accomplishment, and the strong case made for a successor would not have been possible without tremendous support from the MARGINS community, and the efforts of the many members of the Steering Committee, various meeting organizers and writers, and the continued sage advice from the staff of the National Science Foundation. Thanks to all of you for making this a highly rewarding and successful four years. Finally, I would like to thank and wish well Julia Morgan, who is now Chair of the inaugural GeoPRISMS Steering and Oversight Committee, and is managing the first GeoPRISMS Office at Rice. The transition should be fairly straightforward; beginning in the next few days this Listserv will be migrated to Rice, and a new GeoPRISMS web page will go public. The Lamont staff will continue through the Fall to support MARGINS/GeoPRISMS activities, ramping down gradually as Rice staff start, and we expect by the end of the calendar year to have completely transferred responsibilities away from Lamont. Best of luck to those leading GeoPRISMS now; the program is in great shape and excellent hands.
Sincerely, Geoff Abers Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University

Faculty Position in Hydrogeology University of Wisconsin Madison (9/14/2010)

The Department of Geoscience invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professor beginning August 2011.
We seek a broad range of outstanding candidates in hydrogeology with specialties related to physical, chemical
and biological processes affecting subsurface flow and transport in porous and fractured geologic media.
Research approaches should encompass some combination of field laboratory and modeling.
Specific areas of interest include (but are not limited to) evaluation, development and sustainable management
of water resources, transport fate and remediation of contaminants interactions between groundwater and surface water seawater, snow or ice groundwater, and geologic processes groundwater and energy resources groundwater and climate change and paleohydrogeology.

Applicants should submit a vita statements of research and teaching interests and names and contact information of
three or more references by email to:. or by mail to

Jean M Bahr
Hydrogeology Search Committee
Chair Department of Geoscience
University of Wisconsin Madison
1215 W. Dayton St
Madison WI 53706

To ensure full consideration applications must be received by November
15, 2010

For the complete announcement see http//geosciencewiscedu/geoscience/3504/open-position-for-asst-professor

Harold J Tobin
Professor of Geophysics
Deptof Geoscience
University of Wisconsin - Madison
1215 W Dayton St
Madison WI 53706

The Integrated Ocean Drilling Program-inviting comments (9/7/10)

The Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP; is inviting you to submit comments on the draft of a new science plan that will guide scientific ocean drilling and related observatory science for a decade starting in late 2013.
The input from you to this science plan is of utmost importance to ensure that this document has broad support of the wider scientific community.
This public hearing period is running for four weeks from August 24 to September 21. We may not be able to consider comments received after the deadline. Background and actions required: IODP ends September, 2013. The existing program will be neither continued nor renewed. Rather, an international consortium of more than 24 nations, represented through an International Working Group, seeks to develop a plan for a new drilling program. The success of this effort is not a given and will, because of the high costs involved, undergo scientific and political scrutiny at the very highest national levels.
The current drilling program has resulted in profound advances in a number of new science fields: Arctic coring, high-resolution paleo-climate proxies, deep crustal drilling, sub-seafloor observatory science, and the study of an active biosphere to depths of 1.6 km below the seabed. As the spectrum of science supported by ocean drilling is expanding and becoming more cross-disciplinary (i.e., Earth, Ocean, Climate, Life Sciences, and in-Situ processes), we seek your help to make sure that a wide perspective on the most innovative and compelling science for a new drilling program post 2013 is presented.
We sincerely hope you will give this matter your attention. Specifically, we solicit your comments on:
a) Identify critical topics or themes that are essential for securing broad support for the new program, but not sufficiently well covered in the existing draft. The goal here is to make the strongest possible case to a wide audience. However, please, understand that the topics listed can not possibly be inclusive of all possible kinds of science, and that the writing committee, based on prior community input, has chosen a number exciting examples to guide the future science, rather than create an all inclusive, exhaustive list of topics. FYI, the new drilling program will be responsive to proposals developed and submitted by the scientific community. Proposals will be evaluated by a scientific advisory structure.
b) Scientific editorial comments on individual subsections by experts in those fields. Are there changes to the text and figures that will help to make them more accurate and/or compelling?
c) Substantive comments on overall structure, overall message, and excitement of draft science plan. How does it present as a "whole"? The science plan needs to capture the imagination and excitement of ocean drilling science, and inspire readers to be supportive based on a big vision of innovation and discovery. Please point out where the current draft does this job well, and, most importantly, where it may need to be improved.
d) Suggest places where the draft can be made shorter without loosing essential information or impact. The goal is that the final science plan will be reduced rather than expanded in length. Please, bear in mind that a small team lead by a science writer eventually will reformat the science plan to provide a visually more attractive and navigable document with a single and, most likely, less specialized style of writing. Scientific edits and suggestions for shortening might therefore be more effective than complete rewrites.
The draft of the new science plan can be downloaded at: Comments should be sent to:
NewSciencePlan at September 21) Further background information and guidelines for submissions of comments are located at the above URL.
For your convenience, the draft of the science plan for the new drilling program is available in both PDF and RTF format. We look forward to receive your comments.
Thank you in advance,
Hans Christian Larsen
Vice-President, IODP Management International
*** Note new e-mail address!! Please update your address book!!***
Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc.
Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology
Office of Liaison and Cooperative Research 3rd Floor 2-1-6,
Etchujima, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-8533, JAPAN
Tel: +81 3-6701-3196 Fax: +81 3-6701-3190
E-mail: science at Website:

Ocean Sciences Education Excellence (COSEE) Meeting (08/27/2010)

To the MARGINS Community:
I am writing to call your attention to an upcoming Community Meeting to envision the next decade of the Centers for Ocean Sciences Education Excellence (COSEE). The meeting will be held in Washington, D.C. at the Ronald Regan Building on November 3-4, 2010.
The meeting announcement and link to the application can be found at (COSEE Community Meeting Announcement Meeting expenses (travel, lodging and meals) for participants not affiliated with the National COSEE Network will be covered.
We hope that you will consider applying and will help us disseminate this information to others within your professional networks. Community Meeting Overview: COSEE is a national network of Centers with the broad objective of connecting the ocean sciences research and education communities to develop innovative and catalytic activities in ocean sciences education and outreach.
In August/September 2011, the COSEE program will undergo a Decadal Review by NSF. The review will assess past accomplishments of the Network, the role that COSEE fills in the overall landscape of ocean science education, and the emerging opportunities on which COSEE can capitalize if NSF funding is continued.
With an eye toward the future, COSEE is engaging in a range of activities aimed at eliciting community input into a strategic vision for the future of COSEE or a follow-on program.
Among these activities is hosting a *COSEE Community Meeting* in which members of the science and education communities come together to contribute their perspectives and ideas about how the Network might evolve over the next decade.
NSF encourages a broad range of participants, especially individuals who are not currently involved in the National COSEE Network. A variety of disciplinary expertise is sought, including members of the ocean science research and learning science communities, cyberlearning/cyberinfrastructure experts, ocean science educators, and education/outreach specialists at major NSF-funded facilities.
The outcome of the meeting will be a strategic vision document based on the recommendations formulated during the meeting. The Community Meeting application deadline is September 10th , 2010.
Thanks in advance for your consideration at this critical juncture in the history of COSEE and ocean sciences education.
Sincerely, Cheryl Peach Chair,
COSEE Community Meeting Steering Committee

Cheryl Peach, Ph.D. Director,
Scripps Educational Alliances Scripps Institution of Oceanography,
UCSD 9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla, CA 92093-0207
Tel: 858-822-5323
FAX: 858-534-7114

AGU Session S04: Toward Elucidating the Physics of Fault Tremor and Slow Slip (08/27/2010)

Convenors: Heidi Houston, Roland Burgmann
This session aims to integrate diverse seismic observations, direct imaging of the ETS environment, and proposed physical mechanisms for tremor and slow slip phenomena. We will focus on seismological and geodetic observations, such asspace-time evolution of tremor and/or slip, the distinct geometries and velocities of tremor processes (e.g., streaks and rapid tremor reversals), triggering by tides or earthquakewaves, and direct observations of the deep tremor environment (seismic or MT imaging and possible exhumed analogs). Theoretical topics include the implications of rate-and-state models, as well as physical and petrologic models that explore possible sources of pressurized fluids and the role they may play in the tremor and slow slip process.
Prof. Heidi Houston Dept. Earth and Space Sciences
Johnson Hall 070 Box 351310
University of Washington Seattle WA 98195
heidi.houston at 206 616-7092

S2S Special Session at 2011 ASLO Aquatic Science Meeting (08/12/2010)

We would like to bring your attention to a S2S-related session at the
ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting. This is an excellent opportunity to
highlight the scientific and societal importance of our science as it
applies to environmental changes to source-to-sink systems affected by
human activity and climate change. The call for abstracts can be found at:

Hope to see you in sunny Puerto Rico this winter!

Steve Kuehl and Mead Allison

* 2011 ASLO Aquatic Science Meeting, February 13-18, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Continental Margin Sedimentation: Geological and Geochemical
Signaturesof Human Activity*

Co-Chairs: Steven A. Kuehl and Mead A. Allison

Sediment generation, transfer and burial on the continental margin have
been strongly influenced by anthropogenic activities with a profound
impact on geochemical cycling (e.g., carbon, nutrients), ecosystem
change, and resource management. Climate and land-use changes,
groundwater withdrawal, and river management have fundamentally altered
the nature of river sediment delivery to flood- and delta-plains,
estuarine, coastal and offshore environments, leaving a recognizable
change in the sedimentary record across the margin to the deep sea. This
session welcomes contributions that describe or model changes in margin
sedimentation or sediment-hosted geochemical parameters resulting from
anthropogenic activities. Particular emphasis will be on: 1) alterations
in the generation, transfer and burial efficiency of sediments; 2) the
historical sedimentary record; and 3) environmental implications of such
changes. This session is intended to bring together the diverse group of
communities working on sediment related issues as they pertain to human
activity and climate change.

AGU Session DI13: New Views on the Lithsophere-Asthenosphere Boundary (08/12/2010)

The lithosphere/asthenosphere boundary (LAB), which is inextricably
linked to the properties of the underlying low velocity zone,
is of key importance to the architecture of continental and oceanic
lithosphere and to the dynamics of plate tectonics. Some aspects of the
boundary are attributable to changes in physical properties along the
geotherm, but new results suggest the possible influence of small amounts of melt, variations in hydration of nominally anhydrous minerals, grain size or in lattice preferred orientations.
We invite contributions from those studying the seismology, electrical
conductivity, geodynamics, mineral physics, petrology,
and geochemistry of the lithosphere, the LAB, and/or the seismic low
velocity zone.

Conveners: Marc Hirschmann, University of Minnesota,
Hitoshi Kawakatsu, Earthquake Research Institute,
Catherine Rychert, University of Bristol,
James Gaherty, Columbia University,

Sponsor: Study of Earth's Deep Interior
CoSponsors: Mineral and Rock Physics, Seismology, Tectonophysics,
Volcanology, Geochemistry, and Petrology

Distinguished Lectureship Program applications (08/10/2010)

Reminder: The Distinguished Lectureship Program applications are due on September 7, 2010
Apply today:

MARGINS/GeoPRISMS Distinguished Lectureship Program

Application Deadline: September 7, 2010

We invite all colleges and universities in the US to apply to host a
speaker from the Distinguished Lecture Program. Applications are due by00000
September 7, 2010 for visiting speakers in Fall 2010 – Spring 2011.
Invitations from institutions not currently involved with
MARGINS/GeoPRISMS research are strongly encouraged, including those
granting undergraduate or Masters degrees, as well as those with Ph.D.
programs. Institutions may request a technical and/or public lecture.
The MARGINS/GeoPRISMS Office will cover airfares for speakers’ travel
and will coordinate travel and off-site logistics. Host institutions are
responsible for local expenses for the duration of the visit. For more
information on the speakers and to apply please see the DLP web page
( Deadline for applications is on
September 7, 2010. Please direct any question to our office: margins

View 2010-2011 speakers at:
Apply at:

The MARGINS program will transition to the GeoPRISMS program in October
2010. Applications to host a speaker for the joint 2010-2011 DLP program
should be made to the MARGINS Office at the web addresses listed above.

2010-2011 SPEAKERS:
Emily Brodsky, UC Santa Cruz;
Becky Dorsey, Univ. of Oregon;
Chris Goldfinger, Oregon State.;
Katherine Kelley, Univ. of Rhode Island;
Rudy Slingerland, Penn. State;
Paul Umhoefer, Northern Arizona Univ.;
Peter van Keken, Univ. of Michigan

Challenges and Opportunities in Academic Marine Seismology (08/06/2010)

Dear Colleagues:

(Apologies for any cross-posting.)

Below is the Executive Summary of the March workshop on the future
of academic 2D and 3D marine seismology.

The Steering Committee feels that this document summarizes the key
points of community consensus arrived at by the assembled group,
including major new directions in scheduling future Langseth operations,
community training and outreach activities, the proposal process,
open-access data, and community-driven 3D projects.

We are currently working on a more complete workshop report, which
will be done no later than Aug. 31, and the “glossy brochure”
summarizing Langseth-based scientific goals, which will be complete by

Steve Holbrook, Graham Kent, Donna Shillington, and Sean Gulick

Challenges and Opportunities in Academic Marine Seismology
Incline Village, NV, March 22-24, 2010

Executive Summary
The recent acquisition of the R/V Marcus G. Langseth, the first-ever
academic 3D seismic vessel, brings unprecedented opportunities for Earth
imaging to the geoscientific community. The Langseth is a National
Facility, operated by Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO) and
overseen by the Marcus Langseth Science Oversight Committee (MLSOC).
With its four, 6-km-long streamers, dual, tuned airgun arrays, and ocean
bottom seismometer launch and recovery capabilities, the Langseth
produces 3D and 2D images of the Earth’s crust and uppermost mantle with
resolution and clarity that were unattainable a few years ago. Since
its maiden scientific voyage in early 2008, the Langseth has conducted
nine expeditions, in sites from Taiwan to Costa Rica, all of which have
been successful. However, along with these new capabilities come
unprecedented challenges and costs. Under its current mode of operation,
the Langseth is hampered by a combination of factors, including a high
day rate, long transits between funded work sites, and consequent delays
in moving projects from the “funded” to the “scheduled” category. These
factors have resulted in the Langseth conducting relatively few
scheduled programs (~4/year) in the first two years and a drop in
proposal pressure to use the facility. In addition, the long turnaround
time from data acquisition to public release (in practice, often 5-10
years), coupled with the increased specialization required to acquire,
process and interpret 3D data, suggests that Langseth data are not
achieving their full potential scientific and educational impact.
These challenges pose several risks to the marine seismic community,
including low funding rates for Langseth proposals, a discouraged and
shrinking user base, and low proposal pressure, in a potentially
self-reinforcing cycle. If the scientific community is to have
continued access to the remarkable new capabilities of the Langseth,
this cycle must be broken and replaced with a healthier, more
sustainable pattern of facility usage and community growth. However,
this workshop was intended to also represent an opportunity to examine
funding and accessibility of academic marine seismic imaging in the
United States and seek improvements that will build our community,
increase funding and educational opportunities, and generate more
scientific discoveries.
To tackle these issues, 65 scientists met for three days in March,
2010, in Incline Village, Nevada, with the goal of addressing three
overarching questions:

• What are the exciting science goals that, over the next decade, will
require a healthy Langseth facility?
• How can the process of soliciting, evaluating, funding, and
scheduling work on the Langseth be improved?
• What modes of data access might help put Langseth products into more
scientists’ and educators’ labs and schools?

These issues were discussed at the meeting through keynote
presentations by invited speakers and breakout sessions in which working
groups developed recommendations. Meeting participants included 21
faculty members, 23 research scientists, 16 students and postdocs, 2
representatives from industry, and 3 representatives of the National
Science Foundation. Keynote presentations were given on the
relationship of marine seismic imaging to major thematic programs (e.g.,
IODP, MARGINS, Earthscope, Continental Dynamics, US Extended Continental
Shelf studies); recent advances in marine seismology (e.g., long-offset
streamer studies, waveform tomography, P-cable); educational
opportunities for marine seismology; and science opportunities in marine
seismology (e.g., mid-ocean ridges, ocean crust, rifted margins,
subduction zone processes, gas hydrates, seismic oceanography).
Breakout groups were convened to discuss aspects of “Improving Access”
(e.g., data access and availability, expanding the Langseth user base,
improving the educational footprint, and new models of data processing
and release); “Science Opportunities”; and “The Proposal Process”
(models of proposal preparation, nurturing, and evaluation). The
workshop was preceded by a well-attended short course, sponsored by
LDEO, on OpendTect, a free, open-source, multi-platform software package
for interpreting 3D seismic data.
In the opinion of the Steering Committee, the meeting was an
unqualified success. The scientific case for continuing to support the
Langseth facility is unequivocal; many of the most pressing
geoscientific issues facing our society rely on the ability to image the
structure of the Earth’s crust in three dimensions. These issues
include geohazards (great earthquakes, submarine landslides, volcanism,
and tsunami), energy (exploration and carbon sequestration), and climate
change (paleoclimate and ocean imaging). The group convened at Incline
Village strongly endorsed continued support of a robust marine seismic
imaging facility.
Importantly, consensus was reached on ways to improve the relevance,
operation, impact, and access to the Langseth facility. Below is a
summary of the major recommendations; these were discussed and adopted
by mutual consent of the assembled group in a plenary session on the
final morning of the workshop.

• We strongly endorse creation of a new program at NSF to stabilize
funding for work using the Langseth facility.

Advanced Planning Cycle:
• We endorse an advanced planning cycle in which proposal calls are
issued on a regional basis (e.g., North Atlantic, eastern Pacific)
several years in advance. MLSOC should work with the user community and
facility operator to determine the ship’s projected areas of operation,
possibly guided by pre-proposals (see below). The proposal review panel
should be populated with appropriate scientific expertise according to
the region.

Proposal Process:
• We endorse a separate panel for judging Langseth proposals against
each other, especially in the context of a new NSF program to fund Langseth.
• We endorse adoption of a pre-proposal process for work proposing to
use the Langseth facility. These pre-proposals would be judged by this
new panel and confidential reviewers and would provide the information
used for projecting the future areas of operation of the ship over the
next ~3 years.

Training the Next Generation:
• We endorse recurring “training cruises” in which science berths are
open to scientists wishing to gain at-sea experience on Langseth. These
could initially be aimed at early-career scientists but should be
broadened to all interested scientists.
• We endorse, wherever practical, reserving 1-2 berths on each Langseth
cruise for early-career scientists via an open application process.
• We suggest lowering barriers to access through creation of a user
“cookbook,” at-sea training cruises, and a formal mentoring program to
establish “junior leaders.”

Hybrid model of community-selected and PI-driven 3D and 2D programs:
• We endorse a system that allows for both “community” as well as
PI-driven 3D and 2D programs:
• We propose to allow for community 3D datasets to be acquired,
perhaps in concert with training cruises. Identification of targets for
3D community datasets would occur at workshops open to all scientists.
Following acquisition, 3D data sets would be commercially processed to
an initial interpretable volume and publicly released (e.g., 6 months
post-cruise). These data would then be available for an open
competition for data interpretation and analysis proposals. A similar
model should also be available (but not required) for processing and
release of 2D data. A key component of this model must be a cultural
change within NSF (and the reviewer community) toward funding
data-analysis proposals, rather than the currently perceived bias toward
data acquisition proposals.
• We also strongly endorse retaining a component of PI-driven
proposals for using the Langseth, with appropriate protections for PI’s
to conduct initial analysis under a data release moratorium of no more
than two years.

Data Processing:
• We endorse commercial processing (to post-stack depth migration) for
all 3D cruises.
• A similar option for commercial processing of 2D data should be
available, but not required.
• NSF should explore establishing a long-term contract with a
commercial processing house to lower processing costs.

Improving the Educational Footprint:
• We endorse (1) expansion of the Langseth website with a focus on
public outreach and education, (2) K-12 presence through teacher
workshops and teacher-at-sea programs, (3) a “Distinguished Ambassador”
program to visit K-12 schools, (4) use of social networking sites to
communicate Langseth activities and results to interested parties, (5)
exploring use of Langseth transits for training/education cruises, and
(6) training of undergraduate and graduate students in use of
open-access 3D interpretation software to bring Langseth 3D data into
college classrooms and graduate-level research programs.

Immediate Action:
• The workshop facilitated the formation of several self-organized
groups to submit community-driven 3D proposals with open data access for
the upcoming August 15 deadline. The development and implementation of a
new model for community datasets will require time to design, fund and
implement. However, there was support for testing this new model and an
understanding that in order for any community-driven 3D proposal to take
place in 2012, it would need to be proposed in 2010. These
self-organized groups provide an opportunity to explore options for
implementing open data access and strong training components in Langseth
3D programs.

Mobile Terranes: Origins, Paths, and Role in Active Margin Deformation (T04) (08/05/10)

We would like to call your attention to a special session we are convening at the
Fall AGU Meeting in December on Mobile Terranes: Origins, Paths, and Role in Active Margin Deformation.
We hope you will consider submitting an abstract of your recent research to this session. Please share this announcement with interested colleagues and contact us if you have any questions about the session.
Patricia McCrory, US Geological Survey
Ray Wells, US Geological Survey
Mobile Terranes: Origins, Paths, and Role in Active Margin Deformation (T04)
Continental margins along active plate boundaries often host mobile terranes of oceanic or continental origin that have traveled great distances before docking. Many continue to move along plate boundaries, exerting control on modern tectonic deformation. Active terrane collision seemingly has a wide impact on deformation of the overlying plate and the nature of plate boundary seismicity, as in the collision of the Yakutat terrane in Alaska or the Chatham Rise off New Zealand.
| Mobile terranes also offer a unique record of plate interactions that can provide key details in our reconstruction of
past plate motions and as well as provide constraints on 3D forearc structure at subduction boundaries and long-term estimates of past lateral motion at transform boundaries.
This session solicits contributions that offer constraints on mobile terrane origins, pathways, and current motions around the Pacific Rim mand elsewhere. We welcome contributions that address the role terranes play in modern deformation and related earthquake hazards as well as those that use geologic relationships to investigate how plate
interactions have evolved over time.Tectonophysics, Geodesy, PaleomagnetismAbstract Deadline: 2 September 2010

TITLE: The Formation and Deformation of the Mediterranean Basins, Continental Margins and Arcs. (08/05/10)
We would like to draw your attention to the following session at the 2010 AGU Fall meeting:
The Mediterranean region contains a group of basins (Tyrrhenian, Aegean, Alboran, Ligurian, etc) and commonly paired arcs (Gibraltar, Calabrian, Hellenic) that currently display different levels of evolution.
The main structural characteristics of the basins have been formed by the interaction of slab roll back with upper plate
deformation that have produced extended basins, tectonically thickened arcs (e.g. Gibraltar) and in some cases
volcanic arcs (e.g. Eolians). In addition to the slab rollback geodynamics, the area is deformed by the convergence of the African and European plates, and smaller units like the Anatolian plate, that are causing variable degrees of deformation along the margins of the region.The region thus provides a set of natural laboratories where geoscientists can test hypotheses on the formation and deformation of regional scale basins and continental margins, subduction and collision of plates, and large scale strike-slip deformation in a large complex orogen.
This session welcomes observational, numerical and experimental contributions from studies of the Mediterranean region or tectonically analogous regions.CONVENERS:
- Xavier Garcia
- Alan Levander
- Cesar R. Ranero
- Franoise SageDr. Xavier Garcia
Barcelona Center for Subsurface Imaging
Unitat de Tecnologia Marina, CSIC
Pg. Maritim de la Barceloneta 37-49
08003 Barcelona (Spain)Tel : 34 932 309 500 (switchboard) ext 6003
Fax : 34 932 309 555
e-mail :

T38, Rifting to Rupture to Drift: Linking Lessons from Active Rifts to the Evolution of Passive Margins. (08/05/10)
We would like to call your attention to Fall AGU session T38, Rifting to Rupture to Drift: Linking Lessons from Active Rifts to the Evolution of Passive Margins.This session explores how the diversity of processes and feedbacks that drive continental rifting towards rupture, initiation of seafloor spreading affect the transition to the low rate and more distributed deformation of the passive margin. Contributions will explore the various roles of magmatism, faulting, rift obliquity, surface processes, pre-existing lithospheric structure and deep Earth processes on the 4D architecture of active rifts and rifted margins, with emphasis on how rifting processes influence subsequent passive margin development.It is anticipated that this session will draw on the results of the NSF MARGINS programme and look forward to the upcoming GeoPRISMS Rift Initiation and Evolution initiative.Please remember the abstract deadline is 2 Sept.We look forward to seeing you all in SF,Mike, Ramon and JennyMichael Oskin, University of California, Davis
Ramon Arrowsmith, Arizona State University
Jenny Collier, Imperial College London, UK

MARGINS-GeoPRISMS AGU special sessions (08/03/2010)


Study of Earth’s Deep Interior (DI)

DI09: Observations and Dynamics of Subducted Slabs
Convenors: Stegman, Syracuse

Subduction zones represent a snapshot of a dynamic and evolving system, and the
time-history of their evolution is expressed in the morphology of their
associated slabs. Seismic observations reveal individual slabs have complex 3D
shapes exhibiting strong variations of curvature and seismicity both
along-trench and down-dip. Such variations are linked to the details of the
system, including influences by the mineralogy, thermal structure and strength
of slabs, flow of surrounding mantle, and coupling to surface plate motions. We
welcome contributions that provide improved observations that help characterize
the structure and evolution of subducted slabs, and those that link
observations to geodynamic models or tectonic reconstructions.

Education (ED)

ED11: New Resources, Approaches and Technologies for Teaching about Plate
Convenors: Ryan, Hickey-Vargas, Reed, Goodliffe, Manduca

Students must understand the relationships among the tectonic, structural,
petrologic and geochemical processes that occur at plate boundaries if they are
to move from undergraduate geoscience courses into modern multidisciplinary
geoscience research. This session seeks to highlight innovative resources and
approaches to teaching plate boundary science, as have been produced in
association with major research initiatives (MARGINS, Ridge2000, IODP,
Earthscope), or as facilitated by new data and geospatial information resources
(EarthChem, GeoMapApp/MGDS, Google Earth). Programs that move students from the
classroom into plate margin research, at either the undergraduate or graduate
level, are also of interest.

Earth and Planetary Surface Processes (EP)

EP30: Source to Sink Insights into Integrated Sedimentary System Evolution
Convenors: Covault, Fildani

This session features integrated sedimentary systems from terrestrial source
areas to depositional sinks highlighting stratigraphic forcings and
developmental timing. We are soliciting contributions that employ cutting-edge
technologies in the analysis of modern, i.e., earth surface/shallow subsurface,
sedimentary systems, which are amenable to natural experimentation as a result
of a high degree of control on external/intrinsic forcing mechanisms and
timing. An integrated, inclusive approach to the study of sedimentation across
continental margins can provide accurate and rigorously tested predictions of
natural resource presence and quality, and inform policy decisions.

Tectonophysics (T)

T05: Interaction Between Magmatic and Tectonic Processes in Continental and
Incipient Oceanic Rifts
Convenors: Keir, Pagli, Biggs, Rivalta

A key breakthrough in the last decade is recognition of the intimate linkage
between extensional deformation and magmatism during rupture of the continents.
However, the nature of this relationship at all depths through the lithosphere
and its evolution through time remain controversial. We invite contributions
from observational and modeling studies that constrain the length, time scales
and mechanisms of magma transport and emplacement in continental and incipient
oceanic rifts. We also welcome contributions on interactions between magmatism
and other deformation mechanisms (e.g. faulting and ductile stretching) and
their response to rheological controls.

T24: Recent Submarine Volcano-Tectonic Events Along Western Pacific Island-arcs,
Back-arcs, and Subduction Zones
Convenors: Dziak, Rubin, Baker

Several regional-scale geologic events have occurred within the last year at the
Lau back-arc basin, Tonga volcanic-arc and trench: the 18 March 2009
shallow-water eruption near Tonga, the 29 September 2009 Samoan earthquake (Mw
8.1), and the ongoing, deep-ocean eruption at West Mata volcano. Studies of
such recent events provide important information on regional volcano-tectonic
perturbations, responses, and timescales, and are foci of the NSF Ridge2000 and
Margins programs. We solicit studies from marine geophysics, volcanology,
petrology, marine chemistry, and physical oceanography to provide an integrated
view of West Pacific upper mantle, ocean crust and water-column processes.

T26: From Sediment Inputs to Seismogenesis at Subduction Zones
Convenors: Saito, McNeill, Saffer, Underwood

Recent research projects on subduction zones have been capturing the entire
picture of subduction processes from the inputs of sediment and basalt to
seismogenesis. The objective of this session is to foster discussions among
disciplines and among researchers working on various subduction zones, both
modern and ancient. We welcome presentations showing recent results of ocean
drilling, geophysical investigations, laboratory studies, and analytical or
numerical modeling.

T38: Rifting to Rupture to Drift: Linking Lessons from Active Rifts to the
Evolution of Passive Margins
Convenors: Oskin, Arrowsmith, Collier

This session explores how the diversity of processes and feedbacks that drive
continental rifting towards rupture, initiation of seafloor spreading affect
the transition to the low rate and more distributed deformation of the passive
margin. Contributions will explore the various roles of magmatism, faulting,
rift obliquity, surface processes, pre-existing lithospheric structure and deep
Earth processes on the 4D architecture of active rifts and rifted margins, with
emphasis on how rifting processes influence subsequent passive margin

Volcanology, Geochemistry, and Petrology (V)

V15: The Subduction Filter: Effects on the Mantle, Arcs and Continents
Convenors: Chauvel, Plank, Class, Rudnick

Subduction zones are the place where material from the surface of the Earth is
sent back into the mantle after being changed by mineral-fluid/melt reactions.
They act as filters separating material added to continental crust through arc
volcanism, from residues that are recycled into the mantle, and whose
compositions may differ markedly from the original subducted slab. This session
aims at evaluating information provided by studies of volcanic arcs,
mineral-fluid processes in the slab, newly formed crust, and mantle melts. The
aim is to highlight the key processes that occur in subduction zones and how
they influence the differentiation of the Earth and the long-term evolution of
continental crust and mantle.

2) Related Sessions

Union (U)

U03: The 12 January 2010 M7.0 Haiti Earthquake (Webcast)
Convenors: Calais, Hough, Lerner-Lam, Momplaisir

Along with its Caribbean neighbors, Haiti now faces a critical need to assess
future earthquake hazard and mitigate risk. We invite papers on all aspects of
the 12 January 2010 earthquake and its implications for seismic hazard in the
Caribbean: earthquake source properties, the potential for future earthquakes,
seismic hazard assessment, and monitoring strategies. We also invite papers
that address policy issues associated with seismic hazard assessment and risk
mitigation, including papers on how scientific results can best be conveyed to
decision makers to effectively inform the rebuilding process.

U04: The M 8.8 Chilean Earthquake of 27 February 2010 (Webcast. INVITED only.
See G04)
Convenors: Barrientos, Brooks, Wang, Melnick

This event will lead to many new geodynamical insights because of its size, the
unprecedented quantity of pre-, co-, and post-seismic observations available to
study it, and its proximity to the rupture zone of the M 9.5 1960 earthquake.
Geophysicists and geodesists rapidly deployed a range of instrumentation to
compliment existing arrays. Geologists, tsunami researchers, and engineers also
fanned out to observe the impact of this event. We encourage contributions that
address geologic, seismic, geodetic, and tsunami observations to constrain
models of all phases of the seismic cycle in the impacted region as well as the
relationship, if any, between seismogenic behavior and the long-term evolution
of the forearc, arc, and backarc regions. This session comprises invited papers
only. Please submit contributed papers to the companion session, G04.

U07: Frontiers in Scientific Ocean Drilling: Recent Discoveries and Future
Convenors: Saffer, Humphris, Edwards, DeMenocal

Scientific ocean drilling has addressed fundamental problems in Earth and Life
sciences in recent years, by advancing new techniques that include riser-based
drilling, high-latitude drilling and establishment of hydrological, biological,
and geodynamic borehole observatories. This session will highlight novel results
from recent drilling that have substantially advanced our knowledge of Earth
systems, and will be of broad interest across earth, ocean, atmospheric and
life sciences. Contributions that report results from drilling, and link
drilling results with allied field, laboratory, and modeling studies, are
especially welcomed, as is work that points the way towards future

Education (ED)

ED22: The Future of Cyber-Education in the Geosciences: New Directions and
Convenors: Ryan, Eriksson, Guertin, Lehnert

Rapid advances in user-friendly information technologies; growth in data
resources born from earth and planetary science research; and associated rapid
changes in the behavior and predilections of learners in formal and informal
settings bring new challenges and opportunities to geoscience educators at
every level. This session seeks to continue and expand upon discussions begun
at the 'Planning for the Future of GeoCyberEducation' workshop in January of
2010 (see about effective cyberinformation tools and
platforms, and about successful new strategies, synergies and collaborations
aimed at bringing learning in the earth, oceanic, atmospheric and space
sciences to wider audiences.

Geodesy (G)

G04: The Magnitude 8.8 Chilean Earthquake of 27 February 2010
Convenors: Barrientos, Brooks, Wang, Melnick

This event will lead to many new geodynamical insights because of its size, the
unprecedented quantity of pre-, co-, and post-seismic observations available to
study it, and its proximity to the rupture zone of the M 9.5 1960 earthquake.
Geophysicists and geodesists rapidly deployed a range of instrumentation to
compliment existing arrays. Geologists, tsunami researchers, and engineers also
fanned out to observe the impact of this event. We encourage contributions that
address geologic, seismic, geodetic, and tsunami observations to constrain
models of all phases of the seismic cycle in the impacted region as well as the
relationship, if any, between seismogenic behavior and the long-term evolution
of the forearc, arc, and backarc regions. This session is accompanied by an
overview Union Session U04.

G05: Plate Motion and Continental Deformation
Convenors: Argus, Freymueller, Fernandes

We seek geodetic, geophysical, and geologic studies of plate motion, microplate
motion, and how they relate to elements in the deforming zones between the
plates-faults, slip, great earthquakes, and mountains and rifts generated by
active deformation. How do estimates of plate motion from different space
geodetic and geologic techniques compare? Among the questions we seek answer
are: What fraction of plate motion is being taken up by elastic strain that
will be released in earthquakes? What fraction is being taken up by permanent
strain that is becoming part of the geologic record? Do GPS estimates of site
velocity determined using revised satellite orbits with phase center maps
result in different estimates of plate motions?

G09: Measuring and Modeling of Active Tectonic Processes in Alaska at the
Beginning of the EarthScope Era
Convenors: Sauber, Freymueller, Christensen

Plate subduction in the Alaska-Aleutian region results in frequent great
earthquakes, spectacular topography, active deformation across much of Alaska
and high rates of volcanism. In this session we invite submissions on new
geodetic (GPS, InSAR, Lidar, GRACE), seismologic, volcanic, and geologic
observations, as well as numerical modeling results, of active tectonic
processes associated with the subduction process in Alaska. In addition, we
solicit forward-looking presentations that highlight exciting problems that can
be resolved using multi-disciplinary observations from EarthScope.

Seismology (S)

S04: Toward Elucidating the Physics of Fault Tremor and Slow Slip
Convenors: Houston, Burgmann

This session aims to integrate diverse seismic observations, direct imaging of
the ETS environment, and proposed physical mechanisms for tremor and slow slip
phenomena. We will focus on seismological and geodetic observations, such as
space-time evolution of tremor and/or slip, the distinct geometries and
velocities of tremor processes (e.g., streaks and rapid tremor reversals),
triggering by tides or earthquake waves, and direct observations of the deep
tremor environment (seismic or MT imaging and possible exhumed analogs).
Theoretical topics include the implications of rate-and-state models, as well
as physical and petrologic models that explore possible sources of pressurized
fluids and the role they may play in the tremor and slow slip process.

Tectonophysics (T)

T06: Structure, Dynamics, and Evolution of the African-Arabian Rift Systems
Convenors: Keir, Bastow, Tiberi, Doubre

The Red Sea, Gulf of Aden and rifts of the Afar volcanic province have developed
since Paleogene times during the removal of the Arabian plate from Africa above
anomalously warm mantle: the African superplume. The geological record of the
region exhibits active extensional systems ranging from the early stages of
breakup to sea-floor spreading, and thus the development of young passive
margins. We invite contributions from geoscientific studies that help constrain
structure and dynamics of crust and mantle beneath the region. We also invite
contributions from studies that address linkages between mantle dynamics,
lithospheric extension and magmatism.

T08: What Controls Strong vs. Weak Coupling on Subduction Interface Faults?
Convenors: Wallace, Bell, Schwartz, Sato

Some subduction margins have strong interseismic coupling and produce Great
subduction earthquakes, while others are weakly coupled. This session seeks to
explore:1)What observations characterize strongly vs. weakly coupled margins?
2)What physical models can explain differences in coupling at subduction
margins globally? 3)What does "interseismic coupling" mean physically, and how
does slip occur at "partially" coupled margins? We invite submissions comparing
subduction margin geometry, seismicity/slow slip/tremor and physical properties
at strong and weak margins. Contributions from margins that show along-strike
transitions from weak to strong coupling (e.g. SW Japan, New Zealand, Alaska)
are strongly encouraged.

T12: Characterization of the April 4, 2010 El Mayor-Cucapah Earthquake and
Implications for Earthquake Preparedness in Southern California and Baja
Convenors: Gonzalez-Garcia, Fletcher, Arrowsmith, Fielding, Barbour, Crowell

El Mayor-Cucapah M7.2 earthquake occurred southwest of Mexicali, Baja
California. It ruptured along several NW-striking faults that extend ~100 km
from the northern tip of the Gulf of California to the international border.
All of the ruptured faults are located west of the main plate-boundary fault
system, and many of them were unrecognized prior to this event. Modern
instrumentation and extensive geological field work provide a wide spectrum of
observations to better understand the dynamics of rupture, liquefaction, and
ongoing aftershocks. Presentations to discuss the scientific and societal
implications of the earthquake are invited.

T13: The Accidental GeoSwath
Convenors: van der Pluijm, Tikoff, Keller

A session on Earthscope-based geology that brings together currently/newly
funded teams with future researchers toward an integrated view of North America
and the spatial-temporal connections between areas. Currently, there are several
major projects underway that cover the western half of a transect (from Cascadia
margin to Mid Continent Rift) and planned projects on intracratonic basins and
faulting. We encourage submissions on the continental US and off-shore realms
toward a transcontinental, 4D view of North American geology. We offer partial
support to speakers from NSF funds and encourage complementary posters on
topical aspects of current and new team projects. After the oral session we
plan to discuss work strategies and stimulate additional work.

T15: Latest Results From EarthScope’s San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth
Convenors: Hickman, Ellsworth, Zoback, Jackson

SAFOD was drilled into the San Andreas Fault to study the physical and chemical
processes controlling faulting and earthquake generation. Core containing a
highly sheared, incohesive fault gouge with anomalous serpentine/clay
mineralogy was recovered from the two actively deforming fault traces at ~2.7
km depth and is now being studied in laboratories around the world to determine
its composition, physical properties and mechanical behavior. This session
welcomes contributions on all aspects of SAFOD science, including laboratory
studies on fault rock and fluids; in-situ stress, physical properties and
hydrologic conditions; local and regional crustal structure; and earthquake
source physics.

T29: Subduction-Zone Segmentation over Multiple Earthquake Cycles
Convenors: Goldfinger, Meltzner, Shennan, Witter

Understanding controls on rupture limits and the persistence or lack of
segmentation along subduction zones has been limited due to the paucity of long
records over multiple earthquake cycles. In the few well-documented cases, some
barriers in one sequence are broken through in another. The identification of
more persistent barriers and processes controlling them cannot be addressed
without longer paleoseismic records coupled with a theoretical basis for plate
boundary segmentation. We seek abstracts pertaining to paleoseismic,
paleogeodetic, paleotsunami and historical studies as well as innovative
methods, regional syntheses, and models that explore the occurrence and causes
of megathrust segmentation.

T46: Understanding Continental Evolution From Innovative Analysis of EarthScope
Convenors: Gilbert, Astiz

Advances in data acquisition have lead to unprecedented imaging and modeling
opportunities and the development of novel processing techniques. These
observations of crustal and upper mantle structure and dynamics improve our
understanding of continental evolution. As the PBO and USArray datasets mature
and expand, they sample structures within the stable interior of North America
that can be contrasted to the active western cordillera. We invite observations
of continental evolution based on innovated approaches to seismic, geodetic, or
interdisciplinary data sets, especially those that improve our understanding of
continental evolution and how the interiors of continents differ from their

Volcanology, Geochemistry, and Petrology (V)

V12: Metamorphic Perspectives of Subduction Zone Evolution
Convenors: Bebout, Hacker, Marschall

This session is devoted to understanding metamorphic evolution of subducting
oceanic slabs and sediments and the slab-mantle interface (subduction channel).
Petrological, geophysical, geochemical and theoretical perspectives are
encouraged. Issues examined include (1) relationships among deformation,
seismicity, devolatilization, fluid flow, and phase changes in subducting
slabs, (2) geochemical and mechanical processes illuminated by exposed HP to
UHP metamorphic rocks, (3) sources, sinks, and pathways (rates, element
transport, and connections with arc magmatism), (4) nature, mechanical
properties, and evolution of the subduction channel, and (5) phases and
volatiles that survive subduction into the deeper mantle.

V20: Volatiles in Magmas: the Breath of the Deep Earth
Convenors: Ruprecht, Demouchy

H2O, CO2, sulfur, and other volatile elements are major players in controlling
magma generation and transport, especially the final degassing and eruption
processes. In addition to the overall volatile budget that controls those
processes and large-scale geochemical cycling, diffusion of volatile elements
in mantle and magmatic minerals permits to time-scales magmatic processes,
providing an exclusive kinematic window toward the Earth's interior. This
session invites abstracts on experimental, computational and field-based
analytical studies that shed new light on magmatic processes that range from
the mantle composition to eruption dynamics, in which volatiles are key
parameters in developing new ideas in igneous petrology and volcanology.


MARGINS/GeoPRISMS Distinguished Lectureship Program Application (06/29/2010)

Deadline: September 7, 2010
We invite all colleges and universities in the US to apply to host a speaker from the Distinguished Lecture Program. Applications are due by September 7, 2010 for visiting speakers in Fall 2010 – Spring 2011. Invitations from institutions not currently involved with MARGINS/GeoPRISMS research are strongly encouraged, including those granting undergraduate or Masters degrees, as well as those with Ph.D. programs. Institutions may request a technical and/or public lecture. The MARGINS/GeoPRISMS Office will cover airfares for speakers’ travel and will coordinate travel and off-site logistics. Host institutions are responsible for local expenses for the duration of the visit. For more information on the speakers and to apply please see the DLP web page ( Deadline for applications is on September 7, 2010. Please direct any question to our office: margins View 2010-2011 speakers at:
Apply at:
The MARGINS program will transition to the GeoPRISMS program in October 2010.
Applications to host a speaker for the joint 2010-2011 DLP program should be made to the MARGINS Office at the web addresses listed above.
2010-2011 SPEAKERS:
Emily Brodsky, UC Santa Cruz;
Becky Dorsey, Univ. of Oregon;
Chris Goldfinger, Oregon State.;
Katherine Kelley, Univ. of Rhode Island;
Rudy Slingerland, Penn. State;
Paul Umhoefer, Northern Arizona Univ.;
Peter van Keken, Univ. of Michigan

Summer 2010 MARGINS newsletter (06/21/2010)

The Summer 2010 MARGINS newsletter (#24) is now available on-line: This is the last newsletter to be produced by the MARGINS Office. In addition to the regular articles, highlights of this edition include: - News of GeoPRISMS - the MARGINS successor program. - GeoPRISMS Implementation Workshop announcement: Rift Initiation and Evolution. - TEI summary: Volatiles in the Subduction Factory. - Meeting reports: MSPW, and Education and Outreach. - GeoPRISMS-MARGINS Distinguished Lecture Program - New MARGINS post-doctoral fellows. Printed copies of the newsletter will be mailed shortly.

Dear Colleagues, (06/21/2010)

'd like to bring to your attention an international workshop on geodynamics and tectonics which will be held at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, in La Jolla, California, from July 26-29, 2010. In particular, I'd like to advertise the fact NSF is covering the costs for PhD students to attend the workshop. This workshop is being convened in cooperation with CIG, and is supported, in part, by CIG and NSF. The meeting is being called Geodynamics of the Lithosphere and Deep Earth, or GLADE. The theme is "From Grains to Global Tectonics" with reflects an emphasis on expanding the dialogue and meaningful collaboration between the tectonics and geodynamics communities. It is a spectacular venue and equally spectacular scientific program with participants from all over the world. For further information, and to register, please visit: Thank you Dave Stegman Assistant Professor of Geophysics Deep Earth Virtual Laboratory Institute of Geophysics & Planetary Physics Scripps Institution of Oceanography University of California, San Diego 9500 Gilman Drive La Jolla, CA 92093-0225

FESD (Frontiers in Earth System Dynamics) (06/17/2010)

The FESD (Frontiers in Earth System Dynamics) solicitation was released today (formerly known as ‘Dynamic Earth’).
Please feel free to spread the word to members of the GEO community about this opportunity. The solicitation number is NSF 10-577, and the link and program synopsis are below. Robin Reichlin (On behalf of the FESD working group: Robin Reichlin, Simone Metz, Brad Smull, Farzad Kalamabadi, Richard Yuretich, Ian Ridley) Synopsis: The Earth is often characterized as "dynamic" because its systems are variable over space and time, and they can respond rapidly to multiple perturbations. The goals of the Frontiers in Earth-System Dynamics (FESD) program are to:
(1) foster an inter-disciplinary and multi-scale understanding of the interplay among and within the various sub-systems of the Earth,
(2) catalyze research in areas poised for a major advance,
(3) improve data resolution and modeling capabilities to more realistically simulate complex processes and forecast disruptive or threshold events, and
(4) improve knowledge of the resilience of the Earth and its subsystems.
Deadlines: Preliminary Proposals: October 1, 2010 Full (Invited) Proposals: March 15, 2011

Reminder: 1st July Proposal Deadline (06/17/2010)

The deadline for MARGINS/GeoPRISMS proposals, including proposals for post-doctoral fellowships, is 1st July 2010. In addition to the regular proposal solicitation, the following guidance was received from NSF program manager Bilal Haq: "We will proceed with the upcoming submission date (July 1st, 2010 for FY2011 funding) for proposals under the new program. FY2011 is to be considered a part of the period of transition and the community is encouraged to submit proposals for future planning and synthesis activities, and science proposals for areas where a considerable community consensus already exists and are in a greater state of readiness for implementation (e.g., Cascadia), as well as experimental or theoretical activities that do not require field efforts." NSF program manager letter:
NSF solicitation:
The MARGINS Office

The Spectrum of Fault Slip Behaviors October 11-14, Portland, OR (06/10/2010)

The principle goal of this EarthScope Institute is to improve understanding of the mechanisms responsible for the spectrum of observed fault slip behaviors. The purpose of the workshop is to seed collaborations between observational efforts, numerical and theoretical approaches, and laboratory based research programs focused on Transient Fault Slip (TFS). Presentations from the workshop will be posted on the web as background for what is planned to be a continuing, on-line community effort. The Institute is intended to foster critical thinking about the underlying mechanisms and physical processes responsible for TFS and to promote broad, community-based interest in understanding TFS. For more information and to apply for the workshop, please go to: Conveners: Chris Marone (Penn State Un.), Jeff Freymueller (Un. of Alaska), John Vidale (Un. of Washington), Anne Trehu (Oregon State Un.) Please register by July 15. Logistics managed by the EarthScope National Office This is the first in an anticipated series of workshops to spawn virtual EarthScope Institutes that are intended to engage the scientific community on broad, emerging problems with transformative potential. To propose additional topics for workshops to initiate virtual EarthScope Institutes, please contact a member of the EarthScope Steering Committee.

GeoPRISMS Implementation Workshop: Rift Initiation and Evolution (06/09/2010)

Santa Fe, New Mexico November 4-6, 2010 A MARGINS/GeoPRISMS-sponsored workshop on the new GeoPRISMS Rift Initiation and Evolution (RIE) Initiative will be held November 4-6, 2010 in Santa Fe, New Mexico. This workshop will produce the implementation plan for the RIE component of the GeoPRISMS Science Plan. Participants will further refine the themes and the unanswered questions proposed in the RIE Initiative in the Draft Science Plan ( We will also develop the science implementation plan. Two key goals of this workshop are to resolve which themes and questions require "Primary Sites" for concentrated, collaborative investigations, and to finalize selection of one or two such Sites. The RIE Initiative addresses four broad questions: (1) Where and why do continental rifts initiate? (2) How do fundamental rifting processes (such as tectonics, magmatism, and erosion, transport, and sedimentation), and the feedbacks between them, evolve in time and space? (3) What controls the structural and stratigraphic architecture of rifted continental margins during and after breakup? (4) What are the mechanisms and consequences of fluid and volatile exchange between the Earth, oceans, and atmosphere at rifted continental margins, and between the lithosphere and the mantle? The workshop will consist of two days of presentations, poster-sessions and breakout group discussions, followed by a half-day discussion to finalize the implementation plan including decisions on Primary Sites. Workshop participants will focus on refining RIE science goals and establishing accomplishment milestones in order to answer the RIE research questions in a 5 and 10 year time period. Participants will also evaluate strategies to address these goals, including opportunities for collaboration with international and national research partners, sister organizations, and industry. On the afternoon of the third day, there will be an optional half-day field trip to various sites within the Rio Grande rift. Interested researchers from all countries should submit an application online at by August 1, 2010. The application should include a brief statement of interest and a short C.V. All scientists interested in rifted margin studies are encouraged to apply, independent of past involvement in MARGINS or GeoPRISMS. Post-docs, senior graduate students, and members of underrepresented groups are especially encouraged to participate. Selected participants will be notified by Sept. 1, 2010. Funding from NSF is expected to cover a significant fraction of travel and accommodation costs for U.S. participants. Questions or comments may be directed to the MARGINS/GeoPRISMS Office at margins at Conveners: Mike Oskin (University of California, Davis) - Chair Ramon Arrowsmith (Arizona State University)
Peter Flemings (University of Texas, Austin) Donna Shillington (Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory)
Jolante van Wijk (University of Houston)

Ion Microprobe Specialist (Research Specialist/Senior Research Specialist) (06/09/2010)

The Northeast National Ion Microprobe Facility (NENIMF) at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution ( seeks to fill the position of principal ion microprobe analyst We seek a dynamic individual with strong analytical and instrumental background, as well as excellent communication skills. A Ph.D. in geochemistry, petrology, mineralogy chemistry or physics is desirable. The successful applicant is expected to have a strong record of application of mass spectrometry, preferably ion microprobe, to one or more areas of specialty in Earth and Ocean Sciences, broadly defined, such as stable or radiogenic isotope analysis, geochronology, trace element analysis of biogenic or abiogenic materials. Willingness to participate in collaborative research, Department affairs and service on Institution and national committees is desired. The NENIMF serves a large and diverse user community, both inside and outside WHOI. It is equipped with Cameca IMS 3f and IMS 1280 ion microprobes and sample preparation equipment. The technical staff responsible for the NENIMF operation will include the principal ion probe analyst as well as an electronics engineer. Part-time administrative help will be available to support the facility operation. We envision an appointment to one of the top levels of the WHOI Technical Staff in the Geology & Geophysics Department (Research Specialist or Senior Research Specialist). Research Specialists are recognized within the Institution as an authority in his/her field of specialization or in management of complex projects. Senior Research Specialists have an international reputation for excellence and leadership, parallel in their own discipline to that expected of Senior Scientists. They are expected to play a significant role managing projects and people, staff and students, participating on national and Institution committees and providing assistance and advice to their colleagues. The level of appointment will depend on background and experience. A CV, statement of technical, research and management interests and accomplishments (up to 4 pages), and the names and addresses of at least six references should be submitted to Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Human Resources Office, Box PJR230, Woods Hole, MA 02543. Review of the applications will begin August 1, 2010 and continue until the position is filled. WHOI is an equal opportunity employer. Women and minority candidates are strongly encouraged to apply. Applications should be submitted through the WHOI Human Resources website:
Other. -- Glenn A. Gaetani Associate Scientist Department of Geology & Geophysics Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Office: (508) 289-3724 Lab: (508) 289-3744 Fax: (508) 457-2183 Mail: MS#8 Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Woods Hole, MA 02543 Email: ggaetani at
"Do the dull things right so the extraordinary things will not be required too often." -- Hall of Fame manager Earl Weaver.

Dear NOAA Ocean Exploration (OE) Constituent, 06/03/2010)

It is our pleasure to announce the FY11 exploration funding opportunity that was published in the June 1, 2007 Federal Register. Briefly, the OE Program anticipates that $1,000,000 will be available for projects in FY11. The OER program intends to provide 60 days of UNOLS Global Class ship-time for operations in the Aleutian Trench. These 60 days will focus on preliminary mapping of the East-West extent of the axis of the trench which resides in the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone. In addition to mapping, ship operations can include, but are not limited to, the deployment or towing of sensors and instrumentation packages. This announcement is intended to solicit proposals that can augment the survey operations of the Global Class vessel with minimal interference to the primary survey mission, or proposals for work on other vessels that can operate in conjunction with the Global Class vessel. At a minimum and depending on weather, the 60 ship-days will be comprised of two round-trip cruises of the East-West extent of the axis of the trench which resides in the US EEZ, resulting in approximately four East-West cruise tracks. Cross-axis surveys or other deviations from these tracks should be well motivated and compelling. Only exploratory proposals will be funded, any other kind of project will not be reviewed. A 2 page pre-proposal in addition to the OE Cover Sheet is required for all categories and must be submitted either by e-mail (send to oar.oe.faq at or by hard-copy (send three signed hard- copies to the address below) by July 1, 2010 5:00 p.m. (EST): NOAA's Office of Ocean Exploration & Research 1315 East-West Highway SSMC 3, 10th Floor (R/OER) Silver Spring, MD 20910 For full details, please go to Ocean Exploration website ( and look under the 2011Announcement of Opportunity. Pre-proposals are required before full proposals can be submitted. Full proposals should eventually be submitted to the Federal Government grants online site ( The RFA Name is "FY 2011 Ocean Exploration of the Aleutian Trench", the Federal Funding Opportunity #:NOAA-OAR-OER-2011-2002646, and CDFA# is 11.011 within the Department of Commerce. Questions and problems should be directed to Dr. Nicolas Alvarado in the NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research (Nicolas.Alvarado at We look forward to an exciting year of ocean exploration.
Best Regards, Reg Beach and Nicolas Alvarado

NSF Cascadia Initiative Workshop (05/25/2010)

As part of the 2009 Stimulus or ARRA (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act) spending, NSF Earth Sciences (EAR) and Ocean Sciences (OCE) divisions each received $5M in facility-related investment. The funds are targeted toward Facilities that support EarthScope and MARGINS science objectives, with an initial emphasis on onshore/offshore studies of the Cascadia margin. The ARRA funds are being utilized by UNAVCO, IRIS, and OBSIP to improve seismic and geodetic datasets in the Cascadia region including improvements to real-time GPS capabilities, densification of the onshore seismic networks, and the construction and deployment of an array of ocean-bottom seismometers for offshore community experiments. A two-day workshop will be held October 15 and 16 in Portland Oregon to discuss the full range of opportunities associated with this new initiative. The primary goal of the workshop is to determine a deployment plan for the fleet of ocean bottom seismometers built with ARRA funds that are to be deployed in a community experiment in Cascadia beginning in the summer of 2011. Complementary objectives of the community-based workshop and resultant report are to: -Provide updates on the new Facilities that are being constructed with the ARRA funds. -Define high priority research questions that can be addressed with the offshore-onshore facility.
-Develop recommendations for data products that will maximize the utilization of these new datasets.
-Explore opportunities to develop complementary experiments as well as linkages with Neptune Canada, OOI, and USGS efforts in the region.
The workshop will be held at the Hotel Monaco in downtown Portland. Partial travel support is available for approximately 55 participants.
The deadline for registering and applying for travel support is July 15th 2010.
Registration, hotel and travel information can be found at:
As additional information about the workshop becomes available it will be posted at:
Conveners: Chris Goldfinger (OSU), Jeff McGuire (WHOI), Susan Schwartz (UCSC),
Doug Toomey (Oregon), Kelin Wang (PGC)

GeoPRISMS: From the MARGINS Steering Committee

The MARGINS Steering Committee is pleased to report that NSF has decided to continue margins-related research as envisaged in the new GeoPRISMS Draft Science Plan

( The letter from NSF announcing this decision is available on the MARGINS web page ( ). It describes several important steps to full implementation, addressed here. The letter also confirms that there will be a July 1, 2010 proposal submission date and outlines the types of proposals sought in this transitional year; we urge those who are interested to read the letter.

We welcome NSF’s decision to move forward with a GeoPRISMS program as outlined by the Draft Science Plan, and thank the many members of the community who contributed to the plan's development. At the same time, we recognize that many challenges remain to fully implement the Science Plan, and outline the steps we plan to take.

1. Over the course of the next several months, the MARGINS Steering Committee will transform into the GeoPRISMS Steering and Oversight Committee (GSOC). Around October 1, the chairmanship will pass to Julia Morgan allowing the MARGINS Office to move from Lamont-Doherty to Rice University. Also, about half the committee rotates in 2010, and the makeup of the GSOC will change to more completely reflect the new science emphases. We will continue a separate GeoPRISMS Education Advisory Committee, and will explore other ways to strengthen links to other programs, industry and other partner organizations.

2. Two Initiative Implementation Workshops are being planned to complete the science plans for the two GeoPRISMS initiatives: Rift Initiation and Evolution (RIE) and Subduction Cycles and Deformation (SCD). The organizing committees and venues are being assembled now, and more complete announcements will be made shortly, but we are tentatively scheduling the workshops as follows:
RIE – Rift Initiation and Evolution: November 4-5, 2010
SCD – Subduction Cycles and Deformation: First week in January, 2011


These workshops will produce Implementation Plans for the two initiatives; objectives will include:
• Refine the initiative themes and key unanswered questions
• Resolve which themes and questions require Primary focus sites to answer
• Prioritize the scientific objectives, themes, and questions
• Identify, justify, and select 1-2 Primary Sites per initiative
• Finalize plans for ramping down work at existing MARGINS Focus Sites
• Identify international and national collaborative agencies and industry partners
• Outline research approaches and timetables for each theme and focus site
• Elucidate multiple funding strategies for implementing the Science Plan
• Identify and charge the final Science Plan writing team 3. It is expected that several ongoing components of the program will continue, including the Distinguished Lecture Program, other education programs, web pages, newsletters, and thematic scientific meetings. Stay tuned to the MARGINS listserv and web page for announcements regarding all of these programs. 4. As described in the letter from the NSF Program Manager, this year (2010) will see a regular proposal submission date of July 1, with a somewhat different, transitional emphasis than in years past. We encourage individuals and groups to take advantage of this opportunity, and continue to submit high-quality proposals. Again, for details, see:
Fall AGU Special Session proposal deadline approaching! (05/20/2010)

Over the past decade, a number of exciting Special Sessions at Fall AGU have highlighted MARGINS-related science emerging directly from the MARGINS program and from other groups working on similar problems. The sessions have had a big impact on demonstrating the success of the MARGINS program: in addition to spanning ten AGU sections, the sessions account for one quarter of all Tectonophysics presentations. In this final year of MARGINS, we encourage you to contact colleagues and make efforts to come up with compelling and exciting Special Session proposals. The deadline for submission of AGU Special Session proposals is Thursday 27th May 2010. If you submit a session proposal, please alert the MARGINS Office (margins at with the section name, title of proposed session, and list of convenors, so that we can keep track. MARGINS Office margins at

Lecturer Position

University of Rhode Island
Department of Geosciences begins Fall 2010, with option for annual renewal.Teach 3 courses per semester in the Department of Geosciences,
including supervision of the GEO 103 Lab Teaching Assistants. Teaching assignments will include a combination of some or all of the following courses: Environmental Geology; Understanding Earth; Geology of the National Parks; and an upper division course in support of the major.
Required Qualifications:
1) Ph.D., ABD or M.S. in geology or closely-allied field;
2) Ability to teach introductory geoscience courses, possibly including all of the following: Environmental Geology; Understanding Earth; Geology of the National Parks, and an upper division course in support of the major;
3) Demonstrated ability to communicate effectively in English, orally
and in writing;
4) A strong commitment to quality instruction.
Brian Savage
Recent Advances Understanding Production, Transfer and Burial of terrestrial and Marine Materials on the Earth SurfaceOxnard, California, USA
The general goal of this conference is to articulate the ideas that are the foundation for a holistic understanding of sediment dispersal from land origins to marine accumulation, and to explore the theoretical and observational studies that support them.This Chapman Conference will substantially expand the results of individual source-to-sink research projects, by contrasting diverse dispersal systems. An attempt will be made to resolve fundamental differences in the operation of processes that transfer mass across the Earth surface. This effort will develop a global perspective with studies from around the world, and will facilitate the synthesis and integration of S2S research as part of an inclusive international conference, a digital text, and classroom materials.
For general conference information, please see the following website: information about the scientific program, please see: or contact one of the conveners via e-mail:
Chuck Nittrouer (University of Washington) at or
Steve Kuehl (College of William & Mary) at
The deadline for abstract submissions is 30 September 2010. Details regarding online submission requirements will be posted soon.
This will be a four-day meeting, with one of the afternoons on the Santa Clara River. The general plan will be for mornings to be spent in oral plenary presentations. The afternoons will be spent with posters and in smaller breakout groups discussing the daily topics, merging diverse disciplines, and considering ways to move forward. The theme for each morning will have four keynote presentations (30 min) and eight contributed talks (15 min) focused on uplands, rivers, coastal oceans, and deep margins. All other presentations will be in afternoons and will be as posters.The daily themes are:
a) Inputs to segments of dispersal systems, with emphasis on material transferred
b) Internal storage/remobilization within segments of dispersal systems, with emphasis on transformations during transfer
c) Outputs from segments of dispersal systems, with emphasis on timing of transfer
d) Special topics, ranging from numerical modeling to interdisciplinary linkages, the stratigraphic record, natural resources, extrapolation to Mars, and the research path forwardFIELD TRIP
The meeting site is near the Santa Clara River dispersal system in central California. The proximity will allow a half-day field trip for participants to head into the field and discuss source-to-sink issues outside meeting rooms. The Santa Clara River has headwaters in the San Gabriel Mountains, flows in a relatively natural condition for a moderate length (<200 km), and reaches the Pacific Ocean and its continental margin just south of Santa Barbara. It is an ideal river for the S2S community to examine during the conference.SUBJECTS OF INTEREST
We hope to attract scientists with the following range of backgrounds:
Sediment dispersal systems around the world; Terrestrial and marine environments extending from uplands to deep margins;
Observation, theory, modeling, and experimentation; Modern and ancient environments;
Interdisciplinary expertise (e.g., biogeochemical cycling); Basic and applied science; Siliciclastic and carbonate sediments;
New Guinea and New Zealand MARGINS sites.

Postdoctoral Research Scientist: Geochemistry Data Applications (4/1/2010)
The Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University invites applications from qualified specialists in Geochemistry, Petrology, and/or Geoinformatics to join a dynamic team of scientists and information system developers in the Integrated Earth Data Applications Research Group in building and maintaining leading edge digital data collections for Geochemistry/Petrology such as PetDB, SedDB, and EarthChem. The successful candidate will provide scientific guidance to the development and operation of the data systems, including design and improvement of system functionality, user interfaces, data submission and ingest procedures, and data quality control routines. In addition, the successful candidate will be responsible for the compilation of petrologic and geochemical data from scientific publications, scientists, and other data providers, and assist the lead project scientist with outreach activities, including publications in peer-reviewed journals, demonstrations, and presentations at scientific meetings and workshops. The candidate will participate in educational activities such as short courses, lectures, and training of student interns.A PhD in the Earth Science, preferably Geochemistry or Petrology, is required. Experience with scientific databases, metadata standards, and/or analytical geochemistry is strongly preferred. Candidates should be highly organized and efficient, work as a team member, and have excellent oral and written communication skills. This is a full-time one year appointment with continuation and possible promotion contingent upon performance and funding.Position will remain open for at least 30 days and until the position is filled. Applicants should send a curriculum vitae (including email-address), a statement of research interests, and names and addresses of 3 referees to:
Please follow instructions on how to apply since we only accept online applications.
Columbia University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.

Call for nominations: 2010 Mineral andRock Physics Graduate Research Award (4/1/2010)
Please consider nominating your outstanding graduate students for the Mineral and Rock physics outstanding graduate student research award!
The AGU Mineral and Rock Physics Focus Group seeks nominations for its 2010Mineral and Rock Physics Graduate Research Award. This award recognizes one or more promising young scientists for outstanding contributions achieved during their Ph.D. research. Nominees may be members of any AGU section. They should be engaged in experimental and/or theoretical studies of Earth and planetary materials with the purpose of unraveling the physics and chemistry that govern their origin and physical properties. The award consists of $500 for support of travel or other professional expenses, a certificate and public recognition at the annual Mineral and Rock PhysicsReception at the AGU Fall Meeting.
Contributions by AGU members in the Mineral and Rock Physics community finance the award. In order to be considered by the selection committee, nominations should be received by before May 1, 2010.
As this award specifically recognizesscientific achievements during Ph.D. research, eligibility is restricted tocurrent Ph.D. students and those who have completed the requirements for a Ph.D. degree up to 12 months prior to the nomination deadline. Nominationsshould include a letter of nomination, a curriculum vitae, two supporting letters, and up to three reprints or preprints of the nominee's work. Please sendnominations in hard copy or electronic form to:
Heather C. Watson
Department of Geology and Environmental Geosciences
Northern Illinois University
Dekalb, IL, 60115
Tel: +1-815-753-7851

Recognizing the outstanding student members of the Mineral and Rock Physics Community is one of the most important things we can do for the future of our field. You are encouraged to make nominations and to support the Mineral and Rock Physics Graduate Research Award by making a tax-deductible contribution. This contribution can be made at the time of AGU membership renewal or at any other time during the year. If you become a supporting AGU member, you can designate that up to 50% of your annual contribution will go directly to the Mineral and Rock Physics Graduate ResearchAward.
If you make your contribution to the Mineral and Rock Physics Graduate Research Award at some other time of the year, please send a check made out to AGU and designate that your contribution go to the Mineral and Rock Physics Graduate Research Award Fund. Send Contributions for the Mineral and Rock Physics Graduate Research Award:
Mineral and Rock Physics Graduate Research Award Fund
American Geophysical Union Washington
2000 Florida Avenue N.W.
DC 20009-1277 USA
Phone: (202) 462-6900

V05: Magmatism and the Evolution of Andean Type Crust and Lithosphere (3/18/2010)

Sponsor: Volcanology, Geochemistry and Petrology
The AGU is involved in organizing The Meeting of the Americas, which will
be held in Foz do Iguau, Brazil, August 2010 (see: This is a fantastic opporunity to combine summer travel with seeing one of the world's greatest waterfalls and natural wonders as well as attending an international meeting. We draw your attention to a margins related session;
Magmatism and the Evolution of Andean Type Crust and Lithospher; sponsored by the Volcanology, Geochemistry and Petrology Division.A description of the session is below. The abstract deadline is 31st March (see: ).
Note that two abstracts can be contributed at this meeting. We hope to see you at the Meeting of the Americas in August.V05: Magmatism and the Evolution of Andean Type Crust and Lithosphere
Sponsor: Volcanology, Geochemistry and PetrologyMafic to silicic Andean magmas record the thermal, mechanical and compositional state of the subducting slab, mantle wedge and crust as the modern Andes have uplifted and the subducting slab below has shallowed and steepened.
This session seeks contributions from petrologic and geochemical studies that use major, trace element and isotopic data from magmas and minerals as guides to arc magma production, the role of recycled lithosphere incorporated in the mantle wedge through lithospheric foundering and forearc subduction erosion, and the relative contributions of mantle and in situ crustal sources in Andean type magmas.Convenors - Suzanne Kay, Pablo J. Caffe, CONICET and Instituto de Geologa y Minera, Univ. Nacional de Jujuy, San Salvador de Jujuy, Argentina. Email -; contact either of us with any questions. We hope to see you in Brazil.Suzanne Mahlburg Kay
William and Katherine Snee Professor of Geological Sciences
Dept. of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
Snee Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY USA 14853
office phone - 1 607 2554701

T07 Constraining the interactions between slabs, plates, and keels (03/18/2010)

Dear friends and colleagues,
We would like to invite you to contribute to our sessionMargins of the Americas: Constraining the interactions between slabs, plates, and keels (T07) at The Meeting of the Americas, August 8-13, 2010, Foz do Iguau, Brasil.
Some of the most spectacular geology is related to the interactions between slabs and cratonic keels. From Alaska to Chile, subduction zones exhibit varied kinematics, slab morphology, and upper plate and in-slab deformation. Slabs affect mantle flow, including upper mantle small-scale convection, and the lithosphere, such as the North and South American continental interiors. We seek contributions from seismology, geodynamics, tectonics, and geodesy that focus on, but are not necessarily limited to, studies of convergent margins of the Americas.Our distinguished keynote speakers will likely consist of
Rob Clayton (Caltech),
Muriel Gerbault (U Santiago, Chile/Nice U, France),
Vlad Manea (UNAM Mexico City), and
Stephane Rondenay (MIT).
The conference and our session promises to be an exciting venue for stimulating discussions on similarities and differences between convergent margins, along the American plates, and elsewhere. We hope that you will join us!Please note that the ABSTRACT DEADLINE IS MARCH 31.
Links to relevant sites are below, please contact us should you have any questions, and apologies for any cross-postings.
Best, Meghan S. Miller and Thorsten Becker
University of Southern CaliforniaWeb links on the Information Superhighway:- Meeting web site: Abstract submission: Detailed session description:;sessid=216
Thorsten Becker - Department of Earth Sciences
University of Southern California, 3651 Trousdale Pkwy, MC0740
Los Angeles CA 90089-0740 -

Faculty position at Department of Geosciences, National Taiwan University (2/11/2010)

The Department of Geosciences at NTU is seeking active scientists to fill one faculty position starting from 1st August, 2010 or 1st February, 2011.
The position is open to all fields in geosciences, but those who have strong background in the field of geochemistry and capability of setting up and leading an AMS (accelerator mass spectrometry) lab will receive more favored consideration.
Applicants are requested to submit the following documents:
CV, list of publications, three to five reprints of refereed publications
(one of which shall be designated as representative paper and must be published after 1st August, 2007),
plans for teaching and research, and names of three potential referees to
Professor Wen-Shan Chen, Chairman of Department of Geosciences,
National Taiwan University, No. 1, Sec. 4,
Roosevelt Rd., Taipei 106, Taiwan. Also, please email the above material to
Professor Tsanyao Frank Yang, the Convener of the searching committee,
at &lt;; .
Deadline for application: 28th February, 2010.
Web site:
PhD OpportunityVictoria University of Wellington, New Zealand (2/11/2010)

PhD Scholarship to study magma movement and time varying seismic properties-reopened.
We have been awarded a three-year grant to study time varying seismic properties related to
volcanic areas in New Zealand and several other volcanoes worldwide, including Japan, the U.S. and several island volcanoes. This project will develop new methods of monitoring volcanoes using novel sources of seismic energy: repeated explosions, repeating earthquakes and the Earth's background hum. By relating spatial and temporal changes in seismic wave properties to other indicators of stress around volcanoes and quantitatively modeling these changes, we will extend our understanding of how volcanoes work and lead the drive towards predictive monitoring tools.
We are seeking a PhD student with a background in Geophysics, Math, Physics or Geology with a strong mathematical and/or computing ability to start as soon as possible.
If you are interested in this project, please contact Martha Savage and also apply to the Victoria University of Wellington, following instructions at
The application deadline is 1 March 2010 and the application is free of charge. Successful scholarship students from any country will receive a NZ$21,000 stipend and will not have to pay tuition fees. Further details including the grant proposal are available upon request to
Professor Martha Savage,
Charles A. Williams
GNS Science
1 Fairway Drive, Avalon
PO Box 30368
Lower Hutt 5040
New Zealand
ph (office): 0064-4570-4566
fax (office): 0064-4570-4600

Tectonics Visiting Position (01/28/2010)

Visitng Assistant Professor - Tectonics The Department of Geology at Colorado College invites applications
for a one-year non-tenure track position in Tectonics, to begin in August 2010.
The faculty visitor in will teach courses in Field Analysis of Geological Structures, Physical Geology,
and subjects in the candidate's areas of specialization. Appointments will be at the assistant professor level for candidates holding a PhD. PhD or ABD is required.
Specialization in thermochronology, petrology, structural geology, and/or GIS is relevant.
CC is a liberal arts college that employs the Block System of education, in which professors teach and
students take only one course at a time for 3-1/2 weeks. The system lends itself to
field- and project-based geology teaching.
The full position announcement and descriptions of facilities is on line at
Application deadline is February 26, 2010.
Materials may be sent to:
Christine Siddoway, Chair,
Colorado College,
14 E. Cache la Poudre,
Colorado Springs, CO 80903,
The search will remain open until the visitor position is filled. The Colorado College welcomes members of all groups, and reaffirms its commitment not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, age, religion, sex, national origin,
sexual orientation, or disability in its educational programs, activities, and employment practices.
Colorado College is committed to increasing diversity and welcomes applications from individuals who can advance that goal.

Eric Leonard
Department of Geology
Colorado College Colorado Springs, CO 80903
(719) 389-6513

Research Grant Opportunity (01/21/2010)

Research Grants, DOSECC Grant Program DOSECC (Drilling, Observation and Sampling of the Earth's Continental Crust) invites students and teachers to apply for summer 2010 grants in scientific drilling. The grants promote student involvement in projects where drilling has provided data and materials for study, and are available to college students (graduate or undergraduate) and primary and secondary schoolteachers, worldwide. Awardees can undertake research related to ongoing or past drilling efforts. Applicants do not have to be attending a DOSECC Member Institution to be considered for this award. Grant funding will be available in the summer of 2010 and budgets of $2000 to $5000 are appropriate. Applications must be received by March 1, 2010 and awardees will be announced April 1, 2010. For additional information consult, or email David Zur, DOSECC's Education and Outreach Manager ( David M. Zur Education and Outreach Manager DOSECC t: +1 (801) 583-2150 e: w: ______________________________________________________________________________

PhD position available (01/21/2010)

in the Department of Geosciences at Pennsylvania State University. The objective of this thesis project is to better understand the evolution of magma in the lower and upper parts of the thick continental crust in the northern segment of the Southern Volcanic Zone of the Andes. Ongoing field work is being conducted at the Diamante Caldera Maipo Volcanic Complex on the border of Argentina and Chile. Laboratory work includes major element, trace element, and isotope ratio analysis of whole rocks, as well as in situ analysis of individual phenocrysts by EPMA, LA-ICP-MS, and micro-drilling for isotopic analysis by TIMS. The ideal candidate will possess an equal capacity for physically challenging field work and careful, detail-oriented laboratory work. Experience conducting field work at altitude is a plus. Application review has already begun, and will continue until a suitable candidate is found. Summer or Fall start possible. Information for prospective students, including application materials, can be found at http:// or by contacting Maureen Feineman at Maureen D. Feineman Assistant Professor Department of Geosciences Pennsylvania State University University Park, PA 16802

JpGU S-CG089 Arc evolution and continental crust (01/14/2010)

The JpGU meeting 2010 will be held at Makuhari Messe from May 23 to May 28, 2010 ( We would like to invite you to contribute to international session S-CG089 in Solid Earth Sciences (S), which is entitled: Arc evolution and continental.This session aims to draw together cutting edge multi- disciplinary studies on oceanic and mature arcs to explore the current state of understanding and to project how efforts could be focused to augment our understanding of crust development.
Topics covered will include geophysical explorations of subduction systems as well as the petrology, geology, and geochemistry of arc magmas and crust.
The abstract deadline is February 5.Sincerely,
The conveners: Yoshihiko Tamura, Shuichi Kodaira (IFREE, JAMSTEC),
Junichi Nakajima (Tohoku University) and Mark Reagan (University of

Workshop application due Jan 15th 2010 (01/11/2010)
Dear Colleagues:January 15th (next Friday) is the deadline to apply for funding (travel/lodging) to attend the June 11-12 workshop, convened on behalf of NSF's Directorate for Geosciences, to explore and provide guidance to NSF on Future directions for NSF-sponsored geoscienceresearch in Tibet/Himalaya.All current information about the workshop is at
We hope for participation from all geoscience disciplines, including those funded by the NSF Divisions AGS, EAR and OCE, within the Directorate for Geosciences.We anticipate funding 40 U.S. scientists and students to participate
(others may attend at their own expense).
Please register to attend and apply for funding at
As part of the application process, please help the conveners structure the meeting by letting us know your opinion of the most significant geoscience questions that are best addressed in the Himalaya/Tibet. Please contribute your ideas even if you cannot attend so that they are represented in the resultant white paper.
You may also be interested in attending the 25th Himalaya-Karakoram-Tibet meeting in San Francisco that immediately precedes the NSF-sponsored workshop
(transport between the two venues wil be provided by the organizers).
Sincerely, the NSF GEO Workshop conveners
Simon Klemperer, Stanford; Lucy Flesch, Purdue; Carmala Garzione, Rochester;
Kip Hodges, Arizona State; Eric Kirby, Penn State; Mary Leech, SF State; Anne Meltzer, Lehigh.To communicate with the NSF-GEO Workshop, please e-mail

1a & b. 2010 EGU South and Central subduction zones and 2010 EGU Lesser Antilles convergent margin sessions
2a & b. SSA Special Session Announcement and SSA session on Cascadia (and other) Subduction Zone Earthquake (01/07/10)

1a. 2010 EGU South and Central subduction zones SessionWe invite you to submit abstracts related to *South and Central subduction zones *at the EGU meeting *2-7 May 2010 in Vienna*.
Please find a session description in the following.
The Dead-line for abstract submission is 18 January 2010TS8.7/GD5.7/SM3.4Seismogenesis and neotectonics along the South and Central American subduction zonesIn subduction zones, structure, kinematics and physical parameters affect the margin tectonics as well as the strain loading in the seismogenic zone. Investigating the structural styles and seismogenesis in subduction zone thus requires multidisciplinary observations and modelling.South and Central American subduction zones show a wide range of interrelated structural, tectonic and seismic characteristics, which vary tremendously across individual margin segments. These segments undergo subduction erosion or accretion, transient and permanent deformation, uplift or subsidence, great subduction earthquakes, slow-slip events or creep, and are associated with various orogenic styles. This high variability and the numerous recent offshore and onshore geoscientific studies conducted along the South and Central American subduction zones provide a great opportunity to investigate processes and parameters that control the seismogenic, tectonic and kinematic behaviour. Scientists working on all these aspects through observation and/or modelling approaches are welcome to this session.*Conveners*: Boris Marcaillou, Jean-Yves Collot, Paola Vannucchi, Alcinoe Calahorrano*Contact* :

1b. 2010 EGU Lesser Antilles convergent margin sessionWe invite you to submit abstracts related to Lesser Antilles convergent margin at the EGU meeting 2-7 May 2010 in Vienna. Please find a session description in the following.
The Dead-line for abstract submission is 18 January 2010.*TS6.8/GD5.6/NH4.14/SM3.6*Lesser Antilles convergent margin: subduction processes and resulting tectonic deformation, platform evolution, seismogenesis, and tsunamogenic hazards.Caribbean-Atlantic plate convergence at the Lesser Antilles Arc resulted in a heterogeneous arc and fore-arc tectonic evolution but lacks large subduction earthquakes in the historical record. Similar poor records previously led to dramatically underestimate the earthquake and tsunami hazard at other convergent margins. The varying obliquity of the convergence, subducting topographic heterogeneities and compositional differences of the subducted material along the arc generates significant along-strike variations in the stress and strain regime, fore-arc tectonics, and paleoenvironmental evolution of carbonate platforms.Several geoscientific marine cruises and onland campaigns could be recently carried out. Presentations of their first observational results and interpretations may provide the broader community with new insights. This session raises the opportunity, by confrontation to current knowledge and models, to advance our understanding of the complex interplay between interplate coupling, oceanic plate and margin structure, seismic and aseismic deformation, in the evolution of subduction zones, fore-arc and platforms sedimentation and tectonics and associated seismic and tsunamogenic hazards.Our session calls together scientists working on aspects of the geophysics and geology of the Lesser Antilles with a focus on subduction processes and structures, tectonic and neotectonic deformation patterns, carbonate platform evolution and earthquake and tsunamis hazards.*Conveners*: Boris Marcaillou, Alfred Hirn, Ernst Flüeh*Contact* : boris.marcaillou@univag.fr_
2a. SSA Special Session AnnouncementThe 2010 Seismological Society of America meeting abstract submission deadline looms (January 12, 2010). The meeting is in Portland, Oregon on April 21-23, 2010. There have been a large number of recent seismic studies in the Pacific Northwest and many interesting scientific results so please consider presenting your research in the following session:Seismic Structure and Geodynamics of the High Lava Plains and Greater Pacific NorthwestDescription:The High Lava Plains (HLP) of Oregon has long represented an enigmatic region of massive tectonomagmatism in the Pacific Northwestern United States with poorly understood relationships to the Columbia River Basalt sequence and the time-progressive tracks of both Newberry and Snake
River Plain / Yellowstone rhyolitic volcanism. These events also tie directly to broader-scale mantle dynamics, including ongoing subduction of the Juan de Fuca plate system, extension across most of the Great Basin, and regional instability of lithosphere over a range of spatial scales. To provide new constraints on the structure and dynamics of these terranes, the area has been assaulted over the past 5 years by a host of high-density temporary broadband seismic networks, including EarthScope=92s USArray Transportable Array, the High Lava Plains Broadband seismic experiment, and several USArray Flexible Array experiments. We encourage contributions to this session that not only
address HLP-centered investigations, but also examine the structure and dynamics of the broader Pacific Northwestern United States and surrounding regions.See details about the the abstract submission process at: free to contact conveners Matt Fouch (, David James (, or Randy Keller ( if you have any questions.
2b. SSA session on Cascadia (and other) Subduction Zone Earthquake
We would like to encourage you to submit an abstract to the SSA special session entitled, &quot;Characterizing the Next Cascadia Earthquake and Tsunami.
Next week's deadline, Tuesday Jan 12th, is fast approaching.
The SSA 2010 Annual Meeting will be held April 20-23 in Portland, OR.Abstract submission guidelines and meeting information can be found here: description:
New insights into the Holocene rupture history of the Cascadia subduction zone, the structure of its forearc, and episodic tremor and slip events located down-dip of the seismogenic zone are redefining source models aimed at characterizing the next megathrust earthquake and tsunami in the Pacific Northwest.
We also encourage submissions from those addressing similar issues in other subduction settings, and
encourage comparisons with Cascadia. This session will feature new research in the fields of geology, seismology and geodesy that have led to improvements in understanding the seismic potential of the Cascadia megathrust.
Of particular interest to this session are studies that provide better constraints on the width of the rupture zone, the
magnitude of slip, potential fault segmentation and highlight remaining uncertainties. We also encourage submissions that address how new findings can be used to reduce human losses from future megathrust
earthquakes and tsunamis, in particular, assessments of seismic and tsunami hazards for mitigation purposes.
Please consider submitting an abstract to this special Subduction Zone session. Don't hesitate to contact one of us with questions of if you need assistance.
Rob Witter and Chris Goldfinger
Session Conveners
Dr. Chris Goldfinger
College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences
Oregon State University
1+ 541 737 5214 fax 1+ 541 737 2064

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Last updated Wednesday, October 20, 2010