Submissions The MARGINS Newsletter is intended to facilitate informal exchange of information and views related to any kind of research conducted within the MARGINS field of interest, particularly the focus sites and allied study areas. Contributions in the form of short articles, letters, preliminary results, cruise or expedition reports, meeting and workshop reports, announcements, opinions, book reviews, cartoons, poetry or earthy anecdotes are welcome. Contributions to the Newsletter are edited by the MARGINS Office, but are not peer-reviewed. Submit contributions to the Newsletter at any time via e-mail to the editor or post to:
Please submit the text and any illustrations separately (see below for formats). Any questions regarding the newsletter can be directed to the MARGINS Office. Text Text can be submitted in most common word processor formats, although plain text files (ASCII) or Rich Text Format (RTF) are preferred. Do not embed graphics in text documents. PDF is not a suitable format for text submission. Please do not format the text. All formatting characters are removed prior to setting the text, and formatting is thus a wasted effort, which causes extra problems for us. Paragraph breaks should be marked with one hard line break (the return key). If any special formatting is required (e.g. special characters), please indicate which they are, and where in the document they occur in an accompanying letter. If your contribution contains illustrations, remember to include a list of the graphics files, as well as figure and table captions. Illustrations Accompanying figures can be submitted in most common graphics formats. For bitmap graphics, Tagged Image File Format (TIFF), and for vector graphics, Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) are preferred, since all illustrations will eventually have to be converted into one of these formats for printing. For bitmap graphics, a minimum resolution of 300 dpi (dots per inch) at the final printing size is required in order to obtain acceptable image quality. The TIFF file can be saved with any byte order. |
MARGINS is an NSF funded program |
The MARGINS Office is hosted by Columbia University |
Last updated Tuesday, January 16, 2007