The NARS-Baja project
Principal Investigators:
R. Clayton, Caltech
J. Ritsema, Caltech
Project Summary
Section 5.2 of the MARGINS Science Plan (11/30/2000)
states that signiocant progress in understanding the physical processes
in the rupture of continental lithosphere will require a passive-source
seismic array around the Gulf of California to gain insight into
seismicity as well as lithospheric and mantle structure of the Gulf
of California region. Here, we request funding to deploy and operate
such a seismic network. This network, NARS-Baja, will be comprised
of 18 STS-II broadband ground motion sensors surrounding the entire
Gulf of California. NARS-Baja will operate for at least 5 years,
involves a collaboration between the Caltech (Pasadena), CICESE (Mexico),
and the University of Utrecht (The Netherlands). The NARS-Baja
shares many similarities with other passive-source deployment, commonly
funded by the PASSCAL program. However, in some aspects NARS-Baja
stands out. o NARS-Baja will be in operation for at least 5 years
to ensure that we build a large seismic data base. o NARS-Baja
the gap in seismic stations between present-day broadband networks
in California and the UNAM network in southernMexico. These networks,
combined with NARS-Baja, yield an unprecedented 3000-km long array
along the Pacioc margin of Mexico and California. o Immediate availability
of NARS-Baja data promotes involvement by the entire research community.
Site surveys are underway, and we plan to construct seismic stations,
which house the instrumentation, in the Spring of 2001. We will
the seismic instruments in the Fall of 2001. We request funding from
NSF-MARGINS to install the seismic stations and ford ata analyses
at Caltech. A Dutch grant of $100,000 awarded to the University
Utrecht will cover oeldwork expenses. The NARS-Baja network, in combination
with existing networks in the United States and Mexico, will provide
new research opportunities for studying seismicity and earthquake
faulting in the Gulf of California region and for constraining
structure of the crust and upper mantle in the Gulf of California
region. Regional-scale models of the crust, lithosphere and astenosphere
provide crucial constraints to geophysicists and geologists studying
the evolution of continental break-up in the Gulf of California.
Full proposal text, with
figures, as a PDF file (1.8 MB)