Recent Publications on Central American MARGINS Focus Area
(updated July, 2006)
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2001 Return to top
Barckhausen, U., C.R. Ranero, R. von Huene, S.C. Cande, H.A. Roeser (2001) Revised tectonic boundaries in the Cocos Plate off Costa Rica: Implications for the segmentation of the convergent margin and for plate tectonic models. Journal of Geophysical Research, 106(B9): 19207-19220.
DeMets, C., 2001. A new estimate for present-day Cocos-Caribbean Plate motion; implications for slip along the Central American volcanic arc. Geophysical Research Letters 28: 4043-4046.
Gardner, T.W., Marshall, J.S., Merritts, D.J., Protti, M., Bee, B., Burgette, R., Burton, E., Cooke, J., Kehrwald, N., Fisher, D., and Sak, P., 2001, Holocene fore arc block rotation in response to seamount subduction, southeastern Península de Nicoya, Costa Rica: Geology, v. 29, p. 151-154.
Roggensack, K., 2001a. Sizing up crystals and their melt inclusions: a new approach to crystallization studies. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 187: 221-237.
Roggensack, K., 2001b. Unraveling the 1974 eruption of Fuego volcano (Guatemala) with small crystals and their young melt inclusions. Geology 29(10): 911-914.
Snyder, G., Poreda, R., Hunt, A. and Fehn, U. (2001) Regional variations in volatile composition: Isotopic evidence for carbonate recycling in the Central America volcanic arc. G-cubed., v. 2, 2001GC000163.
Williams-Jones, G., Stix, J., Heiligmann, M., Barquero, J., Fernandez, E., Gonzalez, E.D. (2001) A model of degassing and seismicity at Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 108, 121–139.
2002 Return to top
Bohrmann, G., K. Heeschen, C. Jung, Wilhelm Weinrebe, B. Baranov, B. Cailleux, R. Heath, Veit Hühnerbach, M. Hort, T. Kath, Douglas Masson, I. Trummer (2002) Widespread fluid expulsion along the seafloor of Costa Rica convergent margin. Terra Nova 14, 69-79
Cameron, B.I., J.A. Walker, M.J. Carr, L.C. Patino, O. Matias, M.D. Feigenson, 2002. Flux versus decomporession melting at stratovolcanoes in southeastern Guatemala. Journal of volcanology and geothermal research, 119: 21-50.
Chan L. H., Leeman W. P. and You C. F. (2002) Lithium isotopic composition of Central American volcanic Arc lavas: implications for modification of subarc mantle by slab-derived fluids. Correction. Chem. Geol. 182, 293-300.
Chan L. H., Alt J. C., and Teagle D. A. H. (2002) Lithium and lithium isotope profiles through the upper oceanic crust: A study of seawater-basalt exchange at ODP sites 504B and 896A, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 201, 187-201.
Connolly, J.A.D., and D.M. Kerrick (2002) Metamorphic controls on seismic velocity of subducted oceanic crust at 100-250 km depth, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 204, 61-74.
Fischer, T.P., D.R. Hilton, M.M. Zimmer, A.M. Shaw, Z.D. Sharp, J.A. Walker, 2002. Subduction and recycling of nitrogen along the Central American margin. Science, 297: 1154-1157.
Harris, R. N., and K. Wang (2002), Thermal models of the Middle America Trench at the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica, Geophys. Res. Lett., 29 (21), 2010, doi:10.1029/2002GL015406.
Hoernle, K., Paul Bogaard, van den, Reinhard Werner, B. Lissinna, F. Hauff, Guillermo Alvarado, C.-Dieter Garbe-Schönberg (2002) Missing history (16-71 Ma) of the Galapagos hotspot: Implications for the tectonic and biological evolution of the Americas. Geology, Vol. 30, No 9, 795-798.
LaFemina, P. C., T. H. Dixon, and W. Strauch (2002), Bookshelf faulting in Nicaragua, Geology , 30, 751–754.
Morris, J., R. Valentine, T. Harrison (2002) 10 Be imaging of sediment accretion and subduction along the northeast Japan and Costa Rica convergent margins. Geology 30(1): 59-62.
Newman, A. V., S. Y. Schwartz, V. Gonzalez, H. R. DeShon, J. M. Protti, and L. M. Dorman (2002), Along-strike variability in the seismogenic zone below Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica, Geophys. Res. Lett. , 29(20), 1977, doi:10.1029/2002GL015409.
Plank, T., V. Balzer, and M. Carr, 2002. Nicaragua volcanoes record paleoceanographic changes accompanying closure of the Panama gateway. Geology 30(12): 1087-1090.
Rüpke, L.H., J. Phipps-Morgan, M. Hort, and J.A.D. Connolly, 2002. Are the regional variations in Central American arc lavas due to differing basaltic versus peridotitic slab sources of fluids? Geology 30(11): 1035-1038.
Streck, M.J., Dungan, M.A., Malavassi, E., Reagan, M.K., Bussy, F., 2002. The role of basalt replenishment in the generation of basaltic andesites of the ongoing activity at Arenal volcano, Costa Rica: evidence from clinopyroxene and spinel. Bulletin of Volcanology 64, 316–327.
Thomas, R.B., Marc M. Hirschmann, Hai Cheng, Mark K. Reagan, R. Lawrence Edwards (2002) ( 231 Pa/ 235 U)-( 230 Th/ 238 U) of young mafic volcanic rocks from Nicaragua and Costa Rica and the influence of flux melting on U-series systematics of arc lavas. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 66(24): 4287-4309.
Trummer, I., Ernst R. Flüh, PAGANINI Working Group (2002) Seismic constraints on the crustal structure of Cocos Ridge off the coast of Costa Rica. N. Jb. Geol. Paläont., Abh., 225(1), 25-37.
Walther, C. Ernst R. Flüh (2002) Remnant of the ancient Farallon Plate breakup: A low-velocity body in the lower oceanic crust off Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica - evidence from wide-angle seismics. Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 29, No. 19,1939, 45/1-4.
2003 Return to top Abers, G.A., T. Plank, and B.R. Hacker (2003) The wet Nicaraguan slab. Geophysical Research Letters 30(2): doi: 10.1029/2002GL015649.
Bilek, S. L., S. Y. Schwartz, and H. R. DeShon (2003), Control of seafloor roughness on earthquake rupture behavior, Geology, 31, 455–458.
Carr, M.J., M.D. Feigenson, L.C. Patino, J.A. Walker, 2003. Volcanism and geochemistry in Central America: Progress and Problems. Inside the Subduction Factory (J. Eiler, ed), Geophysical Monograph, vol. 138. The American Geophysical Union, 153-179.
DeShon, H.R., S. Schwartz, S. L. Bilek, L. M. Dorman, V. Gonzalez, M. Protti, Ernst R. Flüh, T. H. Dixon (2003) Seismogenic zone structure of the southern Middle America Trench, Costa Rica. J. Geophys. Res. 108, B10, 2491, doi: 10.1029/2002JB002294.
Eiler, J. (2003), editor, Inside the Subduction Factory, Geophysical Monograph. 138, 1-311.
Fisher, A.T., C.A. Stein, R.N. Harris, K. Wang, E.A. Silver, M. Pfender, M. Hutnak, A. Cherkaoui, R. Bodzin, and H. Villinger, 2003. Abrupt thermal transition reveals hydrothermal boundary and role of seamounts within the Cocos Plate. Geophysical Research Letters 30(11): 1550, doi:10.1029/2002GL016766.
Marshall, J.S., Idleman, B.D., Gardner, T.W., and Fisher, D.M., 2003, Landscape evolution within a retreating volcanic arc, Costa Rica, Central America: Geology, v. 31, p. 419-422.
Ranero, C.R., J. Phipps Morgan, K. McIntosh, C. Reichert, 2003. Bending-related faulting and mantle serpentinization at the Middle America trench. Nature 425: 367-373.
Saffer, D. M., and C. Marone, Comparison of smectite and illite frictional properties: application to the updip limit of the seismogenic zone along subduction megathrusts, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 215, 219-235, 2003.
Shaw, A.M., D.R. Hilton, T.P. Fischer, J.A. Walker, G.E. Alvarado, 2003. Contrasting He-C relationships in Nicaragua and Costa Rica: insights into C cycling through subduction zones. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 214: 499-513.
Vannucchi, P., C.R. Ranero, S. Galeotti, S.M. Straub, D.W. Scholl, K. McDougall-Ried, 2003. Fast rates of subduction erosion along the Costa Rica Pacific margin: Implications for nonsteady rates of crustal recycling and subduction zones. Journal of Geophysical Research 108(B11, 2511): doi: 10.1029/2002JB002207.
von Huene, R., Cesar Ranero, P. Watts (2003) Tsunamigenic slope failure along the Middle America Trench in two tectonic settings. Marine Geology, 3415, 1-15.
von Huene, R., Guillermo Alvarado, K. Brown, R. Harris, M. Kinoshita, K. Suyehiro, Kirk McIntosh, Jason Phipps-Morgan, J. Morris, M. Protti, Cesar Ranero, D. Scholl, S. Schwartz (2003) Discussions of ODP Leg 205 and Drilling of Middle America Seismogenic Zone. EOS, 84, 10, 91.
Walker, J.A., K. Roggensack, L.C. Patino, B.I. Cameron, and O. Matias, 2003. The water and trace element contents of melt inclusions across an active subduction zone. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 146(1): 62-77.
Walther, C. H. E. (2003), The crustal structure of Cocos Ridge off Costa Rica, J. Geophys. Res. , 108 (B3), 2136, doi:10.1029/2001JB000888.
2004 Return to top
Feigenson, M. D., M. J. Carr, S. V. Maharaj, S. Juliano, and L. L. Bolge (2004), Lead isotope composition of Central American volcanoes: Influence of the Galapagos plume, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 5, Q06001, doi:10.1029/2003GC000621.
Fisher, D. M., T. W. Gardner, P. B. Sak, J. D. Sanchez, K. Murphy, and P. Vannucchi (2004), Active thrusting in the inner forearc of an erosive convergent margin, Pacific coast, Costa Rica, Tectonics , 23, TC2007, doi:10.1029/2002TC001464.
Han, X., Erwin Suess, Heiko Sahling, Klaus Wallmann (2004) Fluid venting activity on the Costa Rica margin: New results from authigenic carbonates. Geol Rundschau 93, 596-611.
Hensen, C., Klaus Wallmann, Mark Schmidt, Cesar Ranero, Erwin Suess (2004) Fluid expulsion related to mud extrusion off Costa Rica - a window to the subducting slab. Geology 32, 2, 201-204.
Hoernle, K., F. Hauff, Paul van den Bogaard (2004) A 70 m.y. history (139-69 Ma) for the Caribbean large igneous province. Geology 32, 697-700.
Kincaid, C., R. W. Griffiths, Variability in flow and temperatures within mantle subduction zones, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., Vol. 5, No. 6, Q06002, DOI 10.1029/2003GC000666, 2004.
Norabuena, E., et al. (2004), Geodetic and seismic constraints on some seismogenic zone processes in Costa Rica, J. Geophys. Res., 109, B11403, doi:10.1029/2003JB002931.
Rüpke, L.H., J. Phipps-Morgan, M. Hort, and J.A.D. Connolly, 2004. Serpentine and the subduction zone water cycle. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 223: 17-34.
Sak, P. B., D.M. Fisher, and T.W.Gardner (2004), Effects of subducting seafloor roughness on upper plate vertical tectonism: Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica, Tectonics, 23, TC1017, doi:10.1029/2002TC001474.
Vannucchi, P., S. Galeotti, P. Clift, Cesar Ranero, Roland von Huene (2004) Long-term subduction erosion along the Middle America Trench offshore Guatemala. Geology 32,7, 617-620.
Zimmer, M.M., T.P. Fischer, D.R. Hilton, G.E. Alvarado, Z.D. Sharp, and J.A. Walker (2004), Nitrogen systematics and gas fluxes of subduction zones: Insights from Costa Rica arc volatiles. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 5, Q05J11: doi: 10.1029/2003GC000651.
2005 Return to top
Bilek, S.L., and Lithgow-Bertelloni, C. (2005) Stress changes in the Costa Rica subduction zone due to the 1999 Mw=6.9 Quepos earthquake, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 230, 97–112.
Brown, K.M, Tryon, M., DeShon, H.R., Dorman, L.M., Schwartz, S.Y., 2005, Correlated transient fluid pulsing and seismic tremor in the Costa Rica subduction zone, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 238,189– 203.
Clift P.D., Chan L.H., Blusztajn J., Layne G.D., Kastner M., Kelly R.K. (2005) Pulsed subduction accretion and tectonic erosion reconstructed since 2.5 Ma from the tephra record offshore Costa Rica. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 6(9), doi:10, 1029/2005GC000963.
Eiler, J.M., M.J. Carr, M. Reagan, E. Stolper, 2005. Oxygen isotope constraints on the sources of Central American arc lavas. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 6(Q07007) doi: 10.1029/2004GC000804.
Hensen, C. and K. Wallmann (2005) Methane formation at Costa Rica continental margin-constraints for gas hydrate inventories and cross-décollement fluid flow. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 236/1-2, 41-50
Li, L., and Bebout, G.E., 2005. Carbon and nitrogen geochemistry of
sediments in the Central American convergent margin: Insights regarding
paleoproductivity and carbon and nitrogen subduction fluxes, Jour.
Geophys. Res. 110, B11202, doi:10.1029/2004JB003276. [Reference added to list by
request of Gray Bebout]
Linke, P., K. Wallmann, Erwin Suess, Christian Hensen, Gregor Rehder (2005) In-situ benthic fluxes from an intermittently active mud volcano at the Costa Rica convergent margin, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 235/1-2 pp 79-95, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2005.03.009
Peacock, S.M., P.E. van Keken, S.D. Holloway, B.R. Hacker, G.A. Abers, R.L. Fergason, 2005. Thermal structure of the Costa Rica-Nicaragua subduction zone. Physics fo the Earth and Planetary Interiors 149: 187-200.
Plank, T., 2005. Constraints from Th/La on sediment recycling at subduction zones and the evolution of the continents. Journal of Petrology, 46: 921-44.
Ranero, C., A. Villasenor, Jason Phipps-Morgan, Wilhelm Weinrebe (2005) Relationship between bend-faulting at trenches and intraslab seismicity. G-cubed 10.1029/2005GC000997.
Streck, M.J., M.A. Dungan, F. Bussy, E. Malavassi, 2005. Mineral inventory of continuously eruption basaltic andesites at Arenal volcano, Costa Rica: implications for interpreting monotonous, crystal-rich, mafic arc stratigraphies. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 140: 133-155.
Wallace, P.J., 2005. Volatiles in subduction zone magmas: concentrations and fluxes based on melt inclusion and volcanic gas data. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 140: 217-240.
2006 Return to top Benjamin, E.R., T. Plank, J.A. Wade, G.E. Alvarado, K.A. Kelley and E.H. Hauri (2006) high water contents in basaltic magmas from Irazu volcano, Costa Rica, submitted to J. Volc. Geotherm. Res. Bolge, L.L., Carr, M.J., Feigenson, M.D., Alvarado, G.E (2006) Geochemical stratigraphy and magmatic evolution at Arenal volcano, Costa Rica. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, in press.
Cutillo, Paula A., Shemin Ge, and Elizabeth J. Screaton (2006) Hydrodynamic response of subduction zones to seismic activity: A case study for the Costa Rica margin, Tectonophysics doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2006.02.017.
Chan, L-H., Leeman, W.P. and Plank, T. (2006) Lithium isotopic composition of marine sediments, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst, v.7, Q06005, doi:10.1029/2005GC001202.
Freundt, A., S. Kutterolf, H. Wehrmann, H-U Schmincke, W. Strauch (2006) Tsunami generated by a compositionally zoned plinian eruption at Chiltepe Peninsula, Lake Managua (Lago Xolotlan), Nicaragua. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, in press
Frische, M., K. Garofalo, T.H. Hansteen, R. Borchers (2006) Fluxes and origin of halogenated trace gases from Momotombo volcano (Nicaragua) Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 7, Q05020, doi:10.1029/2005GC001162
Frische, M., K. Garofalo, T.H. Hansteen, R. Borchers, J. Harnisch (2006) The origin of stable halogenated compounds in volcanic gases. Environ Sci Pollution Res, doi
Gorman, P.J., D. M. Kerrick, and J. A. D. Connolly (2006) Modeling open system metamorphic decarbonation of subducting slabs. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst 7(4), Q04007, doi:10.1029/2005GC001125
Goss, A.R. and Kay, S.M. (2006) Steep REE patterns and enriched Pb iostopes in southern Central American arc magmas: Evidence for forearc subduction erosion? Geochem. Geophys. Geosys. 7, Q05016, doi:10.1029/2005GC001163.
Li, L., and Bebout, G. E., 2006. Carbon and nitrogen geochemistry of
wedge sediments at ODP Site 1040: evidence for sediment sources,
diagenetic history, and fluid mobility. In Morris, J. D., Villinger, H.
W., and Klaus, A. (Eds.), Proc. ODP, Sci. Results, 205 (online),
available from World Wide Web: [Reference added to list by
request of Gray Bebout]
Reagan, M.K., Tepley, III, F.J., Gill, J.B. Wortel, M. Garrison, J. (2006) Timescales of degassing and crystallization implied by210Po-210Pb-226Ra disequilibrium for andesitic lavas erupted from 1990 Arenal volcano. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, in press.
Ryder, C.H., Gill, J.B., Tepley III, F., Ramos, F. Reagan, M.K. (2006) Closed to open system differentiation at Arenal Volcano (1968–2003) Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, in press.
Soto, G.J., Alvarado, G.E. (2006) Eruptive history of Arenal volcano, Costa Rica, 7 ka to present. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, in press.
Syracuse, E. and Abers, G. Global compilation of variations in slab depth beneath arc volcanoes and implications (2006) Geochem. Geophys. Geosys, v. 7 Q05017, doi:10.1029/2005GC001045, 18 pp.
Wade, J.A., T. Plank, W.G. Melson, G.J. Soto, E.H. Hauri. 2006. The volatile content of magmas from Arenal volcano. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, in press. |