Ocean Noise and Marine Mammals

Web links to information

In order to provide unbiased information about the important issue of marine mammals and marine noise, the MARGINS Office will maintain this web page, posting links to relevant information on the issue of ocean noise and marine mammals. Please send suggestions for additional links to the MARGINS Office.

Academic seismic research should never be a threat to the survival of any species of marine mammals. At the same time, research within the MARGINS Program may yield crucial knowledge about understanding ecosystems under threat, and halting this research may therefore ultimately counteract environmental protection.

Human-generated Ocean Sound and the Effects on Marine Life Marine Technology Society Journal Issue: Volume 37, Number 4
Ocean Noise and Marine Mammals Report from the National Research Council as an open book at the National Academies Press website, released 10 February.
"Effects of ocean noise on marine mammals still noisy" Article in the March 2003 issue of Geotimes, reviewing the NRC report (see above).
"Whales beach seismic research" Article in the January 2003 issue of Geotimes. Provides background for MARGINS involvement in these issues.
Marine Mammals Protection Act Information on a NOAA website about the law protecting marine mammals, including links to the full text of the law.
Rupturing Continental Lithosphere Web page of the MARGINS research focus initiative involved.
LDEO Office of Marine Affairs, R/V Maurice Ewing Website of Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory's Office of Marine Affairs, with links to information about marine acoustic research and information about the research ship R/V Maurice Ewing.
Cuvier's Beaked Whale Information about Cuvier's beaked whales at the "Cetacea" website
Center for Biological Diversity Web page of an environmental group that is suing NSF and others. Links to legal documents and a few links to related information.


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MARGINS is an NSF funded program

The MARGINS Office is Hosted by Columbia University

Last updated Friday, July 27, 2007