Contact information:
For the text items below, it is strongly suggested that you
prepare the requested information with your word processor (remember
that all special formatting is lost when the form is submitted),
check that the length is appropriate, then copy and paste into this
form. If you need to use any special, non-ASCII characters
(e.g. mathematical symbols), please indicate this in the text.
If you are applying for MARGINS funding, write
brief statement of interest in the workshop:
Abstract of your contribution to the workshop:
Please include enough results/ideas to help conveners know how your work may contribute to the workshop program, and its themes, discussions, talks and posters. We would like to make these abstracts available on this website several weeks prior to the meeting, to assist participants in their meeting preparations.
Maximum one page. Include title, authors (give affiliations and e-mail addresses), and text of the abstract.
If you are applying for MARGINS funding, submit a short CV:
1 or 2-page NSF Bio Sketch style, or similar.
Note: Your contact information, if not already registered with the MARGINS Office, will automatically be included in the MARGINS database for future receipt of related e-mails and the MARGINS biannual newsletter. This information stays within the MARGINS Office and is not released to any outside parties.
If you do NOT wish your contact information to be included in the MARGINS database, please click here